I am wondering if there are recommendations for how to use the resync API.
For example, I am developing an application that will display the nfts in a users’ wallets. I am currently calling the get NFTs for wallet API. But there are some instances where the metatdata or token_uri are missing. Example: [SOLVED] Problem missing metadata and token_uri
It looks like I can can call resync when this happens. What are the recommended ways to call this?
For example, I can call resync, with the contract and the token id, for each nft that is missing data.
---- This could result in a lot of API calls
---- This could also result in API calls where the nft intentionally don’t include this information
Should the token id be made optional? This would enable a resync api call for each contract/collection, instead of each nft.
Or is there a way to force a sync when listing the nfts by wallet?