[SOLVED] Problem missing metadata and token_uri

For several of the wallets that I have tried, the data for nfts are not being fully populated. One example, when I call the Get NFTs by wallet, for the following wallet, 0x15EAb117CAD08D26EaEdBb76F9c6AA337321CbC2 on the polygon chain, one of the results is shown as:

  "token_address": "0x929d79712e92964fbddc584d26cdb6a59ba9bb99",
  "token_id": "470",
  "amount": "1",
  "owner_of": "0x15eab117cad08d26eaedbb76f9c6aa337321cbc2",
  "token_hash": "3594371d797e71696fcae9c4eb519980",
  "block_number_minted": "36142247",
  "block_number": "36142247",
  "contract_type": "ERC721",
  "name": "Bourbon-n-Blockchain Services",
  "symbol": "BnBS",
  "token_uri": null,
  "metadata": null,
  "last_token_uri_sync": "2022-11-27T19:03:30.380Z",
  "last_metadata_sync": null,
  "minter_address": "0x15eab117cad08d26eaedbb76f9c6aa337321cbc2"

As you can see both the metadata and the token_url are null.

Doing a resync of NFT Metadata doesn’t resolve the problem.

It looks like the data is present on the block chain. For example, on opensea, here is the link to the nft on opensea: https://opensea.io/assets/matic/0x929d79712e92964fbddc584d26cdb6a59ba9bb99/470

I was able to resync that token with reSyncMetadata - there is an issue with the docs page so you will need to change URI to uri (can use direct request). E.g.

curl -X 'GET' \
  'https://deep-index.moralis.io/api/v2/nft/0x929d79712e92964fbddc584d26cdb6a59ba9bb99/470/metadata/resync?chain=polygon&flag=uri&mode=sync' \
  -H 'accept: application/json' \
  -H 'X-API-Key: apikeyhere'
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Thank you for that. The data is now loaded