Provider options mobileLinks for WalletConnect [SOLVED]

Hey guys,

I was able to setup WalletConnect on Moralis.Web3.authenticate()
But I wonder how I should be limiting the mobile options.

Right now there are 5 ‘pages’ of options, and I’d like to limit this down to only MetaMask, Trustwallet.

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Hey @unkn0wndns

In the latest versions you need to use Moralis.authenticate().

Currently the Filter Mobile Linking Options is not available. But I’ll now create a PR for adding this :raised_hands:

I’ll let you know when it will be available

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awesome thank you so much :pray:t2:

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Hey @unkn0wndns

I opened the PR

You can track the status yourself, but I’ll let you know when it will be merged anyway.

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nice one :heart_eyes:

Hey @unkn0wndns

It was merged :man_factory_worker:

Update your SDK version and BUIDL :man_mechanic: :star_struck:

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I’ve seen it! Thanks for the headsup :slight_smile: It’s also updated in precompiled version.
I quickly tried it a moment ago on the phone.
Cleared cache of my browser, purged at cloudflare and even with dev mode on.
However I still see al options.
I’ll try it later when I’m on my computer :slight_smile:
Will let you know!

Hm, yes I’m testing it now after the merge and it doesn’t work for me correctly too :cry:

Edit: I’ve found the problem. It will be fixed soon :raised_hands:

Hey @unkn0wndns

Fix was merged :man_factory_worker:

Update your SDK version and BUIDL :man_mechanic:

moralisSettings = { provider: 'walletconnect', signingMessage: "Platform X - Logon", chainId: 56, qrcodeModalOptions: {mobileLinks: ["metamask","trust"]} };

still shows all :frowning:

You need to specify the options this way:

moralisSettings = { 
    provider: "walletconnect",
    chainId: 56,
    mobileLinks: ["metamask","trust"]
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Yep you’re right…
I looked at the source and assumed it’d yet need qrcodeModalOptions :slight_smile:
It’s solved and lot cleaner modal window :smiley:

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Happy to help you :man_factory_worker:

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