React-moralis package doesn't give the option to add mobileLinks in authenticate function

In my app Im using react-moralis and I want to filter the mobile links but it says that the mobileLinks key doesnt exist. I am using react-moralis Version 0.3.1 and Moralis version 0.0.152 My code is as follows

const { authenticate, enableWeb3 } = useMoralis();

async function login(title:String) {
        onSuccess: () => {
          enableWeb3({ provider: "walletconnect" });
        onError: (erorr) => alert(erorr),
        provider: "walletconnect",
        signingMessage:"Custom Message",
        mobileLinks: [
          "metamask",  // 'mobileLinks' does not exist in type 'AuthenticateOptions'

I even tried using the Moralis.authenticate via useMoralis but still its the same issue. Is there a work around for this.

the problem is that the filter doesn’t work, or there is a compilation problem because of typescript, or something else?

I tested in the past mobileLinks and the filter worked only on specific mobile operating systems for me

Its shows as a syntax error

and on the mobile it shows as a single button

did you deploy that somewhere accessible over the internet?

no this was using ngrok (localhost)

you will need to deploy it somewhere on the internet for wallet connect to work

will check on that by deploying it

Actually this is normal behaviour. As I remember it shows wallet list only on IOS, on Android it shows you the “Connect” button and after you click you will see the wallets selection list with only installed wallets suggested by your mobilephone

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