Ethereum React Native Chat Boilerplate Questions

well, my friend, I followed your instructions and turned out I get the same thing at the Android simulator too. Same picture and no error is showing

Usually, when the build cannot connect to metro it shows this screen and does nothing. You can try doing adb reverse tcp:8081 tcp:8081 to get your metro connected. This helped me when I faced this issue.

For IOS updating your physical device, your xcode and your machine.
I also change de version on the IOS podfile and now it works

Here is also the Cloud Function

//Get All Messages
Moralis.Cloud.define("getAllMessages", async function (request) {
  const query = new Moralis.Query("Messages");
  const result = await query.find();
  const userQuery = new Parse.Query("User");
  const userResult = await userQuery.find({ useMasterKey: true});"data", result);
  const messages = => {
    return => {
      if (data.attributes.userId === {
        return {
          userName: rest.attributes.username,
          ethAddress: rest.attributes.ethAddress,
          profilePicture: rest.attributes.profilePicture,
    }).filter(n => n);
  return messages;
Moralis.Cloud.define("getTypingUser", async function (request) {
  const query = new Moralis.Query("UserTyping");
  query.equalTo("userId", request.params.userId);
  const result = await query.find();
  return result;

How to let only owner of an nft collection to join the group chat ?

You could use the API e.g. getTokenIdMetadata to find the owner_of address of a particular NFT and only allow access based on this ownership.

If you mean owner of the contract, you could call the owner function on the contract to get the owner address.

How to turn it to a web version ?

Hello could you add more details on what you mean.

So i don’t want an app, I want it working on a website

You can take the principles of this boilerplate (how the chat is set up, etc.), and apply it to a site/app with another framework e.g. with React (and react-moralis).

I have followed instructions in video but my ios simulator doesn’t have Metamask and is failing to open it. What can I do with it?

You’ll need to install the MetaMask app.

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Thanks for response! But I can’t install Metamask to iOS simulator. Maybe I’m doing smth wrong (

Do you get an error? You can look up some tutorials on how to install apps.

I have faced Error while connecting the wallet
Possible Unhandled promises Rejection (id:1):
Error: No wallets found

Please any one help me

Do you have a mobile wallet app installed e.g. MetaMask or Trust Wallet?

Yeah I have installed Meta Mask app in my mobile

Make sure you have added your serverUrl and appId here and renamed to .env.

Can you try installing another wallet like Trust Wallet. Are you using an emulator or physical device? Usually the boilerplate can pick up any wallets by default when you go to authenticate but it leads to other errors like this one.

The server URL and app id were added in .env file.
Am using a physical device. I will try to add trust wallet.

when i click Crypto wallet login in my moralis app its redirect to page and that page got 404 Error.