Ethereum React Native Boilerplate Questions

Try the boilerplate’s hook for getting the chainId.

import { useMoralisDapp } from "providers/MoralisDappProvider/MoralisDappProvider";
const { chainId } = useMoralisDapp();

Still not working, I have upgraded the moralis and react-moralis packages to the latest version.
But it’s breaking many things. I am getting other issues

~ Can’t find variable: localStorage ~
Even useMoralisQuery is not working properly. Can you help this?

Not working properly, I connected with Polygon Testnet Mumbai, but chainId gives me 0x1 all the time.

web3.currentProvider.isMetaMask is not working as well.

why NFT Assets not appearing in react native application… after connected my metamask test network wallet in my application… its always loading only…

~ Can’t find variable: localStorage ~
Even useMoralisQuery is not working properly. Can you help this?

I would revert back to the default Moralis and react-moralis versions, that would probably introduce many more issues like this one. To reiterate, this boilerplate is in alpha and not production ready so updating packages will likely break things.

Not working properly, I connected with Polygon Testnet Mumbai, but chainId gives me 0x1 all the time.

Possibly 0x1 has been hard set, try changing or removing the chainId in this provider to see if it changes the chainId from useMoralisDapp.

Where did you try using chainId (which file)? I’m not able to get any valid chainId when logged in.

This may be related to the issue the user is having above where the chain ID does not seem to be set properly.

can you please explain it briefly…

have find the any

can you please explain it briefly.

It is discussed in the posts above.

Hey i am having an issue with the react-native boilerplate. On some devices the Login with wallet is working. But on some ex: ios i get the following error:

Non ethereum enabled browser 

and the Qr modal is shown.

Is that an error or a warning? If the app still works then it should be fine - that message would be expected on an iOS device.

The thing is that the wallet connect modal is not showing… so i can’t sign in to the app.
Only the QR is showing and in some Devices even the QR is not showing,

Can you post a screenshot of this QR, I thought you were referring to the WalletConnect modal’s QR code. Which devices does the modal (e.g. with the Connect button) not show? You can check your console for any other errors.

Don’t know what my issue is at this point. Is it because i"m using js with jsx or my dapp is not connected to moralis token_img won’t display

Where is this code/template from? It doesn’t seem to be from the react-native boilerplate.

If this is for the ethereum-boilerplate, then you can post in this thread.

It is the wallet connect QR modal. The thing is that i want to log via walletConnect with the installled wallets on my phone. But the Button (Login with wallet) doesn’t open the wallets, or the WalletConnect Modal.

@alex Any news? I tried reaching out to the live support but i didn’t got any response.

Which device are you using where the button doesn’t do anything? For Android you can get wallets connected (without WalletConnect) if you make this change.