Ethereum Boilerplate Questions

Hey @Cedro

  • It’s a plugin for extending functionality of your dapp, not for generating profit. You can create your own code for using 1Inch API and getting profit from swaps
  • We will add this feature to the next versions. You can implement this with basic JS .filter()
  • It loads ETH logo in case it can’t load the logo from API response. Will add this feature to the next versions. For now, you can fetch logos from Trust Wallet repo. Example: So all you need is to change address in the link and provide it as a param for token IMG component

Hi guys, getting this error "NoMoralisContextProviderError: Make sure to only call useMoralis within a " after I run yarn start.
How can I go about, need you help please

Hi @Cardinalos

Make sure you run the latest version of boilerplate and provide serer info the .env file

Can I get the link to the current version of the boilerplate please

trying to install the dependencies with “yarn” and get this back
"yarn : The term ‘yarn’ is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:1

  • yarn
  •   + CategoryInfo          : ObjectNotFound: (yarn:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
      + FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException"

i’ve tired Cloning it again??

Same link

If you cloned the repo you can simply run git pull

Hey @jadenEh

Make sure you have Yarn installed.

Yarn install guide

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Hello @Yomoo
Am sorry for bordering you, after running yarn start my localhost is now blank, what can I do about that

is there anything else I need installed besides git, yarn and react native?

i had the same problem just had to install react native

npm install -g expo-cli

It did not work, is still same

oh and you need android studio as well

How do I go about it

ill send a link one sec

after i got those i just made sure to start over delete the old clone make a new one run the
“yarn install” command again
change the .env and save it
then “yarn start”
and it’s working for me now

Hey @jadenEh @Cardinalos

We have separated topic for react-native boilerplate:

Hey @Yomoo
Am not talking about react native, please my localhost is not blank what should I do

Am not talking about react native, please my localhost is still blank what should I do

I just cloned the boiler plate and minted an NFT on polygon on OpenSea but it’s not being returned with the useNFTBalances hook. Is there a step I’m missing ? The NFT is in my metamask wallet

@Yomoo Thanks a lot for the prompt response. I hope these updates come very soon.