Ethereum Boilerplate Questions

Hey @rdwan

Could you send an example addresses? Of account and NFT

After running yarn in the local host it’s not showing any images .when I click on the nftcollection tab it’s not showing any of the nft.

do you have any NFT in your wallet?

Thanks now I got it …I didn’t synced the wallet

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Awesome! Happy BUIDL :fire::rocket:

Hi! It worked on local. Do you guys have any hosting recommedation to put on a live website? It didn’t work on my shared hosting. Thank’s!

I would like to know in which folder is the code to customize the pages and also how can I delete functionalities like “Quick Start” section? Thank’s!

Hey @GabrielLaureno

You can host it on any hoster. Also, you can use the Moralis Static Hosting

Check the Components/MenuItems.jsx

Hello! I would like to know if someone in this forum, for 30 bucks, could code a button that connects to metamask and display the nfts of the wallet on a page. I already have and website, so I only need to deploy live. Thank’s guys!

After running yarn start there is no image showing in the NFT collection, why

Hey @Cardinalos

Please show console, error messages. Provide us as much info as possible. Thank you :raised_hands:



It seems that I still have the same issue adding the search bar into the SWAP card. Any way you can provide an example code of adding the search bar?

there should be no space between data?.result, similarly for other parts of the code below there

Any time I try to safe or compile after making the correction the code returns to it’s initial stage, how can I resolve it

const customTokens = {
    "0x2180F5cC1ddf117640963AE91868948bd3EF6838": {
      address: "0x2180F5cC1ddf117640963AE91868948bd3EF6838",
      decimals: 9,
      logoURI: "",
      name: "AscensionArcade",
      symbol: "AAT",

<DEX chain="eth" customTokens={customTokens} />

To which file should I add it?

When creating an NFT do y’all know what to put to have the royalties go to a different address than the user selling it.

Help in this community is not efficient as it should be. Unfortunately.

Just a quick question. How easy is the boilerplate dex to add a small extra fee for your platform? I know this was possible when using the 1inch API but is it supported via the plugin?