Ethereum Boilerplate Questions

@johnversus i’m stuck here can you please help me out

You are getting the estimate gas issue with “Create Market Item” function? Which chain are you using? Have you tried proceeding?

You can try deploying on another chain or testnet.

hey glad

im using the rinkeby network and yes im getting the estimate gas issue with “Create Market Item” function

i intend to use the marketplace on eth

Please check if you are executing the function on same chain where the contract is deployed and also the nfts which your are trying to list should be on same chain.

Your Collections page is empty, please help me with basics, like how to list and sell.

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This means you don’t have any NFTs for that authenticated wallet on Mumbai.

A user can only list or sell NFTs that they own.

Hi, I forked the previous version of Ethereum Boilerplate (this one) which had a DEX, Wallet and Fiat options along with multi wallet support.

In the current version of the Boilerplate (this one) a lot of these options are missing and the multi wallet support is also not there.

So is the current one still under development? Or these features have been permanently removed, in which case, should I keep using and developing on the old one? Are there any security risks to that skeleton code?

The new boilerplate is using v2 SDK and the features from the old eth boilerplate which uses the server plugins won’t be available in the new boilerplate.

These are the current and planned features of the new boilerplate. More will be added.

So the points marked with :gear: are the updates which will be released in upcoming releases?
If that’s so, meaning the new boilerplate is not complete/ready for production right now?

Yes, points marked with :gear: are yet to be added in the boilerplate and It is not the final version of boilerplate, so you can expect changes to it.

@roshangeorge97 Have you found a solution? I am having the same problem.

try this solution Ethereum Boilerplate Questions

Make sure you are connected to correct account and chain that has the nfts.

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There are multiple ways to authenticate users involving Moralis libraries. In Moralis v1, it was by using MoralisProvider and ConnectButton involving Web3uikit OR using react-moralis + useMoralis() hooks. With the v2, boilerplate code has wagmi react hooks. Is moralis moving away from connectButton from Web3uikit library?

What is the recommended way to authenticate user in v2?

With v1 sdk the user session is created using the moralis server and only lets you connect with the wallets that the sdk supports.
However moralis v2 is backend sdk and using the auth API you can create user session on any supported backend and also choose any wallet( or wallet connector like wagmi) of your choice to connect to your app, without any restrictions.

Web3uikit is not yet supported with v2 sdk. It will probably be supported in future versions.

Thanks. I am trying to understand web3 authentication using the below link -

So, in v1 we got a connection to a Moralis server with a DB where the users that logged in where stored.
What is happening with that in v2? There is not a server involved anymore, so if we want to store user data I guess we have to get the response from the authAPI and store it in our own database, right?

we have to get the response from the authAPI and store it in our own database, right?

Yes you will need to set up your own backend and database with v2.

If you want to keep using Moralis servers, you can also self-host.

can anyone please help me i uploaded [Ethereum Boilerplate] in heroku it is now live but unfourtunatly i am unable to connect my metamask wallet with
whenever i try to connect my wallet it popup’s an error

please anyone who can help it’s urgent

Does it work locally? Have you set up your environment variables correctly in Heroku? Check your browser console for any errors.

yes it is working locally…i tried in every browser but don’t know what’s the problem