Deep Index Errors: 520, 502

If you DM me, I’ll send you my API key to test with. My pro account is currently for testing. I dont have any data in Moralis. I just use it for node access.

I don’t think that the api key is the problem in this case

Was there any change in your API response headers configuration recently? @cryptokid @ivan
Most of my jobs stopped working properly so it’s a big blocker for me .

Thanks for your time guys

I don’t know of any change in API response headers configuration

can you try to make the requests from a different location to see if there is a difference?

I tested it with another network and it worked properly so I’m pretty sure it’s on cloudflare side then. Same as @shrimplypibbles, I do a lot of calls and I suspect my IP to be banned from. When we do a lot of calls we should face rate limiting errors from Moralis but not be blocked by Cloudflare…

Is it possible to be whitelisted again?

if the IP would be banned, then you could not do any call in a specific time interval

anyway, send me the IP din DM

I believe I’m experiencing this. I haven’t been able to make a call since this thread was posted.

what error do you get?

For the logs endpoint, I get unknown error or request aborted.

For erc20 metadata, sometimes empty response. Ex:

this works for me now, I tried 10 times

I switched my IP to a VPN provided IP and it works again. I have not triggered any rate limits yet. I suspect if I do, this same issue will happen to my new IP. So I will test that out after I finish building, or if im able to obtain another IP.

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I increased my requests per second to 20, and now im facing the 502 errors again. This time, subsequent requests are met with a 504

and if you decrease it now it works well?

we did a change in API backend recently (~15-30 minutes ago), if you see something strange it could also be because of that change

correct, it works fine at 10 requests per second for small payloads.

Longer payloads now timeout with a 504 after a few minutes.

Its a bit disappointing though because the pro plan should be netting us about 60 requests per second if im not mistaken

you have a request example for this?

can you try now again with larger payloads?

i execute each of those 10 per second. It consistently fails with a 504

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I was able to replicate that 504 error sometimes with that list

now you should not get that 504 error