Cloning OpenSea NFT Boilerplate Questions

Ok ser, now i have a little problem with transaction dashboard, no img and no nameā€¦

function getImage(addrs, id) {

    const img = fetchItemImages.find(

      (element) =>

        element.nftContract === addrs &&

        element.tokenId === id


    return img?.image;


  function getName(addrs, id) {

    const nme = fetchItemImages.find(

      (element) =>

        element.nftContract === addrs &&

        element.tokenId === id


    return nme?.name;


Looks like it pulls data from the ā€œItemImagesā€ or equivalent Class for the Transactions page.

If you donā€™t have it, the tutorial covers this at 1:32:00 - I Cloned OpenSea in 2 Hours

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you couldā€™ve just left it as is and uploaded your logo to the public folder?

In src\App.jsx in the Logo component at the bottom, change it here like this:

export const Logo = () => (
  <div style={{ display: 'flex' }}>
    <img src="./logo.png" />

This is for an image at public\logo.png.

If you want to use SVG, just replace the existing default SVG.

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For the moment doesnā€™t work for meā€¦ yes I would like to put in SVG but you have seen the size of the fileā€¦ nothing is separated lolā€¦

Post your existing SVG code here if you still have issues.

Capture dā€™Ć©cran 2022-06-07 233926

Not possible ser, the code is very longā€¦

Where is this SVG code from? Try using something like to share.

Ok itā€™s send

There is an issue with your SVG where some of the properties need to be changed for React (camelCase e.g. xlink-href to xlinkHref).

This one will work:

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Check that you have correct data in your ItemImages or equivalent class in your server. If it is named differently, change it in const queryItemImages = useMoralisQuery("...");.

Doublecheck you have done everything as instructed in the tutorial for this part. And then try another listing.

I solved the issue, I uploaded the files in folders instead of individually, which was causing the error. Can you answer how I could add the full collection of NFTs instead of just displaying a few? How could I sync all the NFT metadata & images of each collection to my server & filter it based on the event of for sale? The link has my marketplace contract & ABI

You have missed out a part then as you donā€™t have another Class saved. Start earlier with the tutorial at 1:23:00 to go through the whole Transactions page just to get a clearer idea of how it works.

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I donā€™t understand where my mistake isā€¦ after having redone 4 times lolā€¦

His file is Transaction.jsx and mine must be NFTMarketTransactions.jsxā€¦?

import React, { useState } from "react";

import { useMoralis, useMoralisQuery } from "react-moralis";

import { useMoralisDapp } from "providers/MoralisDappProvider/MoralisDappProvider";

import { Table, Tag, Space } from "antd";

import { PolygonCurrency} from "./Chains/Logos";

import moment from "moment";

const styles = {

  table: {

    margin: "0 auto",

    width: "1000px",



function NFTMarketTransactions() {

  const { walletAddress } = useMoralisDapp();

  const { Moralis } = useMoralis();

  const queryItemImages = useMoralisQuery("ItemImages");

  const fetchItemImages = JSON.parse(

    JSON.stringify(, [







  const queryMarketItems = useMoralisQuery("MarketItems");

  const fetchMarketItems = JSON.parse(

    JSON.stringify(, [












      (item) => item.seller === walletAddress || item.owner === walletAddress


    .sort((a, b) =>

      a.updatedAt < b.updatedAt ? 1 : b.updatedAt < a.updatedAt ? -1 : 0


  function getImage(addrs, id) {

    const img = fetchItemImages.find(

      (element) =>

        element.nftContract === addrs &&

        element.tokenId === id


    return img?.image;


  function getName(addrs, id) {

    const nme = fetchItemImages.find(

      (element) =>

        element.nftContract === addrs &&

        element.tokenId === id


    return nme?.name;


  const columns = [


      title: "Date",

      dataIndex: "date",

      key: "date",



      title: "Item",

      key: "item",

      render: (text, record) => (

        <Space size="middle">

          <img src={getImage(record.collection, record.item)} style={{ width: "40px", borderRadius:"4px"}} />






      title: "Collection",

      key: "collection",

      render: (text, record) => (

        <Space size="middle">

          <span>{getName(record.collection, record.item)}</span>





      title: "Transaction Status",

      key: "tags",

      dataIndex: "tags",

      render: (tags) => (


          { => {

            let color = "geekblue";

            let status = "BUY";

            if (tag === false) {

              color = "volcano";

              status = "waiting";

            } else if (tag === true) {

              color = "pink";

              status = "confirmed";


            if (tag === walletAddress) {

              status = "SELL";


            return (

              <Tag color={color} key={tag}>









      title: "Price",

      key: "price",

      dataIndex: "price",

      render: (e) => (

        <Space size="middle">







  const data = fetchMarketItems?.map((item, index) => ({

    key: index,

    date: moment(item.updatedAt).format("DD-MM-YYYY HH:mm"),

    collection: item.nftContract,

    item: item.tokenId,

    tags: [item.seller, item.sold],

    price: item.price / ("1e" + 18)


  return (



        <div style={styles.table}>

          <Table columns={columns} dataSource={data} />






export default NFTMarketTransactions;

const columns = [


    title: "Date",

    dataIndex: "date",

    key: "date",



    title: "Item",

    key: "item",

    dataIndex: "item",



    title: "Collection",

    key: "collection",

    dataIndex: "collection",



    title: "Transaction Status",

    key: "tags",

    dataIndex: "tags",



    title: "Price",

    key: "price",

    dataIndex: "price",



He just renamed it to NFTMarketTransactions.jsx to match the component name. Have you gotten an ItemImages class created in your server? Did you do another listing to test?

Yes I just made a sale to seeā€¦ But I still donā€™t have the name or the pictureā€¦

Can you post a screenshot of your ItemImages class? Make sure the Class exists, has data for your tokenId 65 and that youā€™re querying the right one (useMoralisQuery("...");) - can you verify each of these.

I canā€™t find this folderā€¦ do I need to create it with the metadata?

Capture dā€™Ć©cran 2022-06-08 020447

What folder are you referring to? Do you still not have the ItemImages class when you list an NFT? Also I was mistaken earlier, the boilerplate already has all of the code necessary for this so it should be working by default.

No I still donā€™t have itā€¦ sorry I thought maybe I should create a specific file