Cloning OpenSea NFT Boilerplate Questions

If I give you my email address, can you send me what you did? 
 so I can see where my mistakes are

That ABI looks fine but it’s not required and I did not do that on my end.

I stated exactly what I did above. Have your server synced events been corrected after recreating it?

I have restarted the server but I don’t know if it’s successful
 how to do it?

Should I put the ABI: (’{“New ABI”: true}’) or (’{New ABI}’) ?

The ABI should be here as you already showed in the previous previous reply.

And since you are using different table name than the tutorial code you need to updated the table name in the code where the table is being queried.

For example under components/NFTTokenIds.jsx you need to updated your tableName in this line.

 const queryMarketItems = useMoralisQuery("MarketItems");

Similarly wherever the MarketItems is queried you need to updated it to you tableName.

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Ok ser thanks

What is the basic name to enter ?

Any name that is not already a database table name.
For testing this you can leave it as MarketItems, if that is an option for you.

OK thanks because in the tutorial they say CreatedMarketItems

CreatedMarketItems event to sync and MarketItems table name

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A big thank you to you guys
 Really thank you

Works Fine

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Ok now it’s more than 8am so too late to sleep

Do you know how to integrate my logo in png? I tried several methods but I have trouble with app.js

I think replacing the svg tag in app.js with the image tag and with the correct image src should work.
How did you try

Yes I already tried but I didn’t succeed :thinking:

I also tried with src and href

maybe try without the div tag that, I think that is affecting the image sytle.

Hi guys, I just wanted to invite if this is still a good tutorial to follow, it is it outdated?

Hi @Audazity, This is a good tutorial. It’s have been 6 months since its release, and there are no issues with the tutorial repo.


Thank you so much, I plan to start it today. Looks really fun to do!

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I would like to add the entire collection of each NFT collection instead of just displaying a few. How could I sync all the NFT metadata & images to my server & filter it based on market item event of for sale?