Cloning OpenSea NFT Boilerplate Questions

That’s it, you’re whetting my appetite
 I can still stay LOL

I went back to the console without the log and there is only the nft that should be on sale that is mentioned sorry, wrong language lol

You can do

    console.log("nft", nft);
    console.log("Result", result);
    return result;

to see the token_address and token_id that is being passed into getMarketItem. And then double check your server for this token_address, token_id, sold is false and confirmed is true.

Do you still not get any transactions on the Transactions page? There is some minor detail that is being missed.

Not sold yet and no there is still no transaction
 the new log I put in the same place?

Maybe I did this wrong but each is the folder with all 10,000 images from my NFT collection as well as all 10,000 json files with the metadata for each. I followed the instructions on nft.storages website & youtube tutorials, & uploaded the files in bulk to through their NFTUp app. I am also running the ipfs app locally on my device with the images & json files. Not sure where im messing up?

Look on the internet at HashLips NFT

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Now that I’m back on my machine; trying your settings on my end, I am getting valid results for tokens 65 or 45. Also 65 has a sold of false on my end, try resyncing the event - delete your MarketItems table and recreate the sync.

Amazing news
Can you send me the parameters you changed in case I made mistakes in the code?

If bafybeiane75qkuvguywqipwuoyunfoaoihrwcrx5xug5pwub5yaab3bvpi is the CID that the app gave you then something went wrong. You should be able to access all images and JSON individually. Possibly it has bundled everything into the one file for each which would explain the giant filesizes.

You can double check the tutorial(s) or follow another one like How to Mint 10,000 NFTs. Or use Pinata.

My changes:


'0x19': [
      name: 'Cronos',
      addrs: '0xf551a3f1221d4558184bf5e0b6c3662fe9ca8bed',

And connecting with a wallet on the Cronos mainnet.

Ok thanks, did you take the ABI from my market contract or from the tutorial?

I pulled it from yours on cronoscan.

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I don’t remember where to put the server identifiers
 I deleted it and made a new one

Server > View Details > Sync.

Hummm dont work for me

Did you change anything else in your boilerplate? Other than the console.logs, etc. or anything irrelevant. Are you getting correct syncs into your MarketItems table (both sold === false) ? Maybe just try restarting your app server.

Yes I must say that I had a lot of fun lol
 I recompose everything from the beginning

Really weird
 nothing works on my side
 but I rebuilt everything from 0

You should rest and maybe you’ll find out the cause tomorrow. I’m not sure what could be going wrong on your end.