Cloning OpenSea NFT Boilerplate Questions

What is really weird is that I don’t even have the name of the collection displayed

The name of the collection is also coming from ItemImages so if you don’t have this then it won’t show either.

Have you changed anything significant in either NFTBalance.jsx or NFTMarketTransaction.jsx? As I understand it, the instructions on the page here are all that’s needed where it should work when you go to list an NFT.

I will be working on some examples; issue right now is finding a collection that is relatively small to start with.

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My collections.js file

export const networkCollections = {
  "0x38": [
    //Add Your Collections here
      name: "BETTA NFTs",
      addrs: "0x9aAEf5A3054a3765dcc3A6ec8b39D6f217eBefda",
      name: "Pancake Bunnies",
      addrs: "0xDf7952B35f24aCF7fC0487D01c8d5690a60DBa07",
      name: "AgeOfGods",
      addrs: "0x198D33FB8f75aC6a7CB968962c743F09C486cCA6",
      name: "Firo Punks",
      addrs: "0x603Fc574E33322056235dB7CCfbA5fC80Fb829c6",
      name: "Prometheus-GodNFT",
      addrs: "0xd34Eb2d530245a60C6151B6cfa6D247Ee92668c7",
      name: "MOBOX MOMOverse Avatar",
      addrs: "0x24fADCEfd2117719C4078C08b352b22C74542418",
      name: "WonderfulDay Tiger NFT",
      addrs: "0x4f914EE31cb44D04c3CE8FCCd6573d9aF36C8780",
      name: "Coow NFT",
      addrs: "0xbE596dD10FEd6e27b5d62a0A32d1dc6D24DFBcC9",


export const getCollectionsByChain = (chain) => networkCollections[chain];

Sorry, last night the fatigue won lol

Yes I changed some style elements, but that’s all.

I tried again with the original code and I have the same thing displayed
 even after a new listing

And still no ItemImages in the dashboard

Is there another example than the tutorial. A marketplace deployed on the net for example that I can look at the difference with mine and correct my mistakes 

Try adding a console.log("running addItemImage") to your addItemImage() function in NFTBalance.jsx to see if it runs when you list an NFT for sale - you should also be seeing a message of “success”.

Also change the to:
  (item) => {
    // Execute any logic that should take place after the object is saved.
    alert("New object created with objectId: " +;
  (error) => {
    // Execute any logic that should take place if the save fails.
    // error is a Moralis.Error with an error code and message.
    alert("Failed to create new object, with error code: " + error.message);

Like this
? or

Sorry wrong img

The code is good like this

function addItemImage() {

    const itemImage = new ItemImage();

    itemImage.set("image", nftToSend.image);

    itemImage.set("nftContract", nftToSend.token_address);

    itemImage.set("tokenId", nftToSend.token_id);


      (item) => {

        // Execute any logic that should take place after the object is saved.

        alert("New object created with objectId: " +;


      (error) => {

        // Execute any logic that should take place if the save fails.

        // error is a Moralis.Error with an error code and message.

        alert("Failed to create new object, with error code: " + error.message);




Yes if there are no errors, just run it. Try to console.log at each stage of the process to see what is happening or not. And then try another NFT listing.

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:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Did the listener errors start as soon as you put in the new save() code or were they there before?

Try updating/restarting your server and reauthenticating (disconnecting/connecting) your user/wallet.

ok ser

After restart:

After restart and Metamask loging:

After BuyBack

Click the POST ItemImages 400 error, what error do you get under “Response” (from the Network tab)?

Did you get the ItemImages Class created?

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No ser

Try creating ItemImages manually from your Moralis server dashboard (Browser +) and try another listing.

For whatever reason it’s not creating automatically for you. E.g. in NFTBalance.jsx, I can do this and it just creates it normally:

const ItemImage = Moralis.Object.extend('ItemImages');

async function create() {
  const itemImage = new ItemImage();

  itemImage.set('image', 'create');;


If that doesn’t work, create a new server with a new contract sync and use these settings in your existing project and try again.

I am also not sure where those listener errors have come from, apparently they may be browser/extension related. Try disabling any extensions you have except for MetaMask.