2nd Unity Game not receiving the sign request on authentication

Hi, I recently started working on my 2nd dapp, and so I created a new Moralis server. I then created a new unity project and added the authenticationKit to my login scene. I updated the MoralisServerSettings asset with my new dapp url/id/name. When I start playing the game in unity, the authentication kit loads the connect button. When I click connect, it displays a QR Code to Scan. When I scan the QR Code on my phone using metamask, I receive a request to connect.

However, when I press connect nothing happens; what should happen is a request to sign the moralis authentication on my Metamask. It’s worth noting this is my 2nd game, and I am still able to connect correctly with the original game using my 1st dapp url/appid.

I tried deleting the Moralis server and putting in the new credentials, but still no luck.

Which Moralis Unity SDK version are you using (and which version of Unity project/editor)? Do you get an error in the logs?

Are you using the same server details from your first game (and the server is awake)?

unity version: 2020.3.0f1
moralis unity sdk: 1.2.4 (2022-07-11)
no errors in the logs
and no; I started a second server which is awake

You have two servers now?
Can you paste the url for the server that doesn’t work?


the server seems fine, when it the last time that you tried to authenticate on that server?

can you try again now?

just tried again; still don’t get the message to sign after connecting

Can you delete that server and create another one?

done; I am getting the same result.

Any error that you see somewhere? Are you sure you set the proper app id and server url?

I double checked my Moralis Server Settings Asset and it has the right dapp url and ID. No errors, it just hangs.

Do you know how to test the authentication from vanilla js?

I do not; do you have a link?

This describes how it could be done:


what is the new server url?

I would expect it to not be an issue with the server


I was able to authenticate without issue from vanilla JS to that server.

The problems should be somewhere else, not on the server.

I’m now receiving the following error when trying to use the authentication kit on the project that didn’t have any issues…

UriFormatException: Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.
System.Uri.CreateThis (System.String uri, System.Boolean dontEscape, System.UriKind uriKind) (at :0)
System.Uri…ctor (System.String uriString) (at :0)
MoralisUnity.Platform.Utilities.Conversion.WebUriToWsURi (System.String source) (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/Core/Platform/Utilities/Conversion.cs:48)
MoralisUnity.Platform.Services.ClientServices.MoralisService1[TUser]..ctor (MoralisUnity.Platform.Abstractions.IServerConnectionData configuration, MoralisUnity.Platform.Abstractions.IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer, MoralisUnity.Platform.Abstractions.IServiceHub1[TUser] serviceHub, MoralisUnity.Platform.Abstractions.IServiceHubMutator[] configurators) (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/Core/Platform/Services/ClientServices/MoralisService.cs:84)
MoralisUnity.Platform.Services.ClientServices.MoralisService1[TUser]..ctor (System.String applicationID, System.String serverURL, System.String key, MoralisUnity.Platform.Abstractions.IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer, MoralisUnity.Platform.Abstractions.IServiceHub1[TUser] serviceHub, MoralisUnity.Platform.Abstractions.IServiceHubMutator[] configurators) (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/Core/Platform/Services/ClientServices/MoralisService.cs:51)
MoralisUnity.MoralisClient…ctor (MoralisUnity.Platform.ServerConnectionData connectionData, MoralisUnity.Web3Api.Interfaces.IWeb3Api web3Api, MoralisUnity.SolanaApi.Interfaces.ISolanaApi solanaApi, MoralisUnity.Platform.Abstractions.IJsonSerializer jsonSerializer) (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/Core/MoralisClient.cs:31)
MoralisUnity.Moralis.Start (System.String dappUrl, System.String dappId, MoralisUnity.Platform.HostManifestData hostData, WalletConnectSharp.Core.Models.ClientMeta clientMeta, System.String web3ApiKey) (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/Core/Moralis.cs:220)
MoralisUnity.Moralis.Start () (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/Core/Moralis.cs:145)
MoralisUnity.Kits.AuthenticationKit.AuthenticationKit+d__15.MoveNext () (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/Kits/AuthenticationKit/Scripts/AuthenticationKit.cs:123)
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at :0)
Cysharp.Threading.Tasks.UniTask+ExceptionResultSource.GetResult (System.Int16 token) (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/External/UniTask/Runtime/UniTask.Factory.cs:205)
MoralisUnity.Kits.AuthenticationKit.AuthenticationKit+d__14.MoveNext () (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/Kits/AuthenticationKit/Scripts/AuthenticationKit.cs:110)
— End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown —
System.Runtime.ExceptionServices.ExceptionDispatchInfo.Throw () (at :0)
System.Runtime.CompilerServices.AsyncMethodBuilderCore+<>c.b__6_0 (System.Object state) (at :0)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext+WorkRequest.Invoke () (at <42a5878ce129403083acccf18e43363f>:0)

It looks like some invalid url was used somewhere

I have the same issue using Unity 2020.3.28f1 with Moralis Web3 Unity SDK “1.2.5” i try the “Introduction” Demo Scene and after i Connect to my Wallet i get just the Message “Connecting with Your Wallet” i dont receiving OnConnected and the CongratulationsUI not showing up any ideas ?