ZapIn or ZapOut functions

the ZapIn function works fine with pairs such as Cake/BNB or USDT/BNB, but with a newly issued token it gives an error: Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending?
Also, the ZapOut function throws an error: Gas estimation errored with the following message (see below). The transaction execution will likely fail. Do you want to force sending?
_tokenAmountOutMin or _totalTokenAmountOutMin take from function estimateZapOutSwap

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.8.4;

import {Ownable} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/access/Ownable.sol";
import {IERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/IERC20.sol";
import {SafeERC20} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/token/ERC20/utils/SafeERC20.sol";
import {ReentrancyGuard} from "@openzeppelin/contracts/security/ReentrancyGuard.sol";

import {IPancakePair} from "./interfaces/IPancakePair.sol";
import {IPancakeRouter02} from "./interfaces/IPancakeRouter02.sol";
import {IWETH} from "./interfaces/IWETH.sol";
import {Babylonian} from "./libraries/Babylonian.sol";

 * @author Inspiration from the work of Zapper and Beefy.
 * Implemented and modified by PancakeSwap teams.
contract PancakeZapV1 is Ownable, ReentrancyGuard {
    using SafeERC20 for IERC20;

    // Interface for Wrapped BNB (WBNB)
    IWETH public WBNB;

    // PancakeRouter interface
    IPancakeRouter02 public pancakeRouter;

    // Maximum integer (used for managing allowance)
    uint256 public constant MAX_INT = 2**256 - 1;

    // Minimum amount for a swap (derived from PancakeSwap)
    uint256 public constant MINIMUM_AMOUNT = 1000;

    // Maximum reverse zap ratio (100 --> 1%, 1000 --> 0.1%)
    uint256 public maxZapReverseRatio;

    // Address PancakeRouter
    address private pancakeRouterAddress;

    // Address Wrapped BNB (WBNB)
    address private WBNBAddress;

    // Owner recovers token
    event AdminTokenRecovery(address indexed tokenAddress, uint256 amountTokens);

    // Owner changes the maxZapReverseRatio
    event NewMaxZapReverseRatio(uint256 maxZapReverseRatio);

    // tokenToZap = 0x00 address if BNB
    event ZapIn(
        address indexed tokenToZap,
        address indexed lpToken,
        uint256 tokenAmountIn,
        uint256 lpTokenAmountReceived,
        address indexed user

    // token0ToZap = 0x00 address if BNB
    event ZapInRebalancing(
        address indexed token0ToZap,
        address indexed token1ToZap,
        address lpToken,
        uint256 token0AmountIn,
        uint256 token1AmountIn,
        uint256 lpTokenAmountReceived,
        address indexed user

    // tokenToReceive = 0x00 address if BNB
    event ZapOut(
        address indexed lpToken,
        address indexed tokenToReceive,
        uint256 lpTokenAmount,
        uint256 tokenAmountReceived,
        address indexed user

     * @notice Fallback for WBNB
    receive() external payable {
        assert(msg.sender == WBNBAddress);

     * @notice Constructor
     * @param _WBNBAddress: address of the WBNB contract
     * @param _pancakeRouter: address of the PancakeRouter
     * @param _maxZapReverseRatio: maximum zap ratio
        address _WBNBAddress,
        address _pancakeRouter,
        uint256 _maxZapReverseRatio
    ) {
        WBNBAddress = _WBNBAddress;
        WBNB = IWETH(_WBNBAddress);
        pancakeRouterAddress = _pancakeRouter;
        pancakeRouter = IPancakeRouter02(_pancakeRouter);
        maxZapReverseRatio = _maxZapReverseRatio;

     * @notice Zap BNB in a WBNB pool (e.g. WBNB/token)
     * @param _lpToken: LP token address (e.g. CAKE/BNB)
     * @param _tokenAmountOutMin: minimum token amount (e.g. CAKE) to receive in the intermediary swap (e.g. BNB --> CAKE)
    function zapInBNB(address _lpToken, uint256 _tokenAmountOutMin) external payable nonReentrant {
        WBNB.deposit{value: msg.value}();

        // Call zap function
        uint256 lpTokenAmountTransferred = _zapIn(WBNBAddress, msg.value, _lpToken, _tokenAmountOutMin);

        // Emit event
        emit ZapIn(

     * @notice Zap a token in (e.g. token/other token)
     * @param _tokenToZap: token to zap
     * @param _tokenAmountIn: amount of token to swap
     * @param _lpToken: LP token address (e.g. CAKE/BUSD)
     * @param _tokenAmountOutMin: minimum token to receive (e.g. CAKE) in the intermediary swap (e.g. BUSD --> CAKE)
    function zapInToken(
        address _tokenToZap,
        uint256 _tokenAmountIn,
        address _lpToken,
        uint256 _tokenAmountOutMin
    ) external nonReentrant {
        // Transfer tokens to this contract
        IERC20(_tokenToZap).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _tokenAmountIn);

        // Call zap function
        uint256 lpTokenAmountTransferred = _zapIn(_tokenToZap, _tokenAmountIn, _lpToken, _tokenAmountOutMin);

        // Emit event
        emit ZapIn(_tokenToZap, _lpToken, _tokenAmountIn, lpTokenAmountTransferred, msg.sender);

     * @notice Zap two tokens in, rebalance them to 50-50, before adding them to LP
     * @param _token0ToZap: address of token0 to zap
     * @param _token1ToZap: address of token1 to zap
     * @param _token0AmountIn: amount of token0 to zap
     * @param _token1AmountIn: amount of token1 to zap
     * @param _lpToken: LP token address (token0/token1)
     * @param _tokenAmountInMax: maximum token amount to sell (in token to sell in the intermediary swap)
     * @param _tokenAmountOutMin: minimum token to receive in the intermediary swap
     * @param _isToken0Sold: whether token0 is expected to be sold (if false, sell token1)
    function zapInTokenRebalancing(
        address _token0ToZap,
        address _token1ToZap,
        uint256 _token0AmountIn,
        uint256 _token1AmountIn,
        address _lpToken,
        uint256 _tokenAmountInMax,
        uint256 _tokenAmountOutMin,
        bool _isToken0Sold
    ) external nonReentrant {
        // Transfer tokens to this contract
        IERC20(_token0ToZap).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _token0AmountIn);
        IERC20(_token1ToZap).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _token1AmountIn);

        // Call zapIn function
        uint256 lpTokenAmountTransferred = _zapInRebalancing(

        // Emit event
        emit ZapInRebalancing(

     * @notice Zap 1 token and BNB, rebalance them to 50-50, before adding them to LP
     * @param _token1ToZap: address of token1 to zap
     * @param _token1AmountIn: amount of token1 to zap
     * @param _lpToken: LP token address
     * @param _tokenAmountInMax: maximum token amount to sell (in token to sell in the intermediary swap)
     * @param _tokenAmountOutMin: minimum token to receive in the intermediary swap
     * @param _isToken0Sold: whether token0 is expected to be sold (if false, sell token1)
    function zapInBNBRebalancing(
        address _token1ToZap,
        uint256 _token1AmountIn,
        address _lpToken,
        uint256 _tokenAmountInMax,
        uint256 _tokenAmountOutMin,
        bool _isToken0Sold
    ) external payable nonReentrant {
        WBNB.deposit{value: msg.value}();

        IERC20(_token1ToZap).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), _token1AmountIn);

        // Call zapIn function
        uint256 lpTokenAmountTransferred = _zapInRebalancing(

        // Emit event
        emit ZapInRebalancing(

     * @notice Zap a LP token out to receive BNB
     * @param _lpToken: LP token address (e.g. CAKE/WBNB)
     * @param _lpTokenAmount: amount of LP tokens to zap out
     * @param _tokenAmountOutMin: minimum amount to receive (in BNB/WBNB) in the intermediary swap (e.g. CAKE --> BNB)
    function zapOutBNB(
        address _lpToken,
        uint256 _lpTokenAmount,
        uint256 _tokenAmountOutMin,
        uint256 _totalTokenAmountOutMin
    ) external nonReentrant {
        // Transfer LP token to this address
        IERC20(_lpToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(_lpToken), _lpTokenAmount);

        // Call zapOut
        uint256 tokenAmountToTransfer = _zapOut(_lpToken, WBNBAddress, _tokenAmountOutMin, _totalTokenAmountOutMin);

        // Unwrap BNB

        // Transfer BNB to the msg.sender
        (bool success, ) ={value: tokenAmountToTransfer}(new bytes(0));
        require(success, "BNB: transfer fail");

        // Emit event
        emit ZapOut(

     * @notice Zap a LP token out (to receive a token)
     * @param _lpToken: LP token address (e.g. CAKE/BUSD)
     * @param _tokenToReceive: one of the 2 tokens from the LP (e.g. CAKE or BUSD)
     * @param _lpTokenAmount: amount of LP tokens to zap out
     * @param _tokenAmountOutMin: minimum token to receive (e.g. CAKE) in the intermediary swap (e.g. BUSD --> CAKE)
    function zapOutToken(
        address _lpToken,
        address _tokenToReceive,
        uint256 _lpTokenAmount,
        uint256 _tokenAmountOutMin,
        uint256 _totalTokenAmountOutMin
    ) external nonReentrant {
        // Transfer LP token to this address
        IERC20(_lpToken).safeTransferFrom(msg.sender, address(_lpToken), _lpTokenAmount);

        uint256 tokenAmountToTransfer = _zapOut(_lpToken, _tokenToReceive, _tokenAmountOutMin, _totalTokenAmountOutMin);

        IERC20(_tokenToReceive).safeTransfer(msg.sender, tokenAmountToTransfer);

        emit ZapOut(_lpToken, _tokenToReceive, _lpTokenAmount, tokenAmountToTransfer, msg.sender);

     * @notice It allows the owner to change the risk parameter for quantities
     * @param _maxZapInverseRatio: new inverse ratio
     * @dev This function is only callable by owner.
    function updateMaxZapInverseRatio(uint256 _maxZapInverseRatio) external onlyOwner {
        maxZapReverseRatio = _maxZapInverseRatio;
        emit NewMaxZapReverseRatio(_maxZapInverseRatio);

     * @notice It allows the owner to recover wrong tokens sent to the contract
     * @param _tokenAddress: the address of the token to withdraw (18 decimals)
     * @param _tokenAmount: the number of token amount to withdraw
     * @dev This function is only callable by owner.
    function recoverWrongTokens(address _tokenAddress, uint256 _tokenAmount) external onlyOwner {
        IERC20(_tokenAddress).safeTransfer(msg.sender, _tokenAmount);
        emit AdminTokenRecovery(_tokenAddress, _tokenAmount);

     * @notice View the details for single zap
     * @dev Use WBNB for _tokenToZap (if BNB is the input)
     * @param _tokenToZap: address of the token to zap
     * @param _tokenAmountIn: amount of token to zap inputed
     * @param _lpToken: address of the LP token
     * @return swapAmountIn: amount that is expected to get swapped in intermediary swap
     * @return swapAmountOut: amount that is expected to get received in intermediary swap
     * @return swapTokenOut: token address of the token that is used in the intermediary swap
    function estimateZapInSwap(
        address _tokenToZap,
        uint256 _tokenAmountIn,
        address _lpToken
        returns (
            uint256 swapAmountIn,
            uint256 swapAmountOut,
            address swapTokenOut
        address token0 = IPancakePair(_lpToken).token0();
        address token1 = IPancakePair(_lpToken).token1();

        require(_tokenToZap == token0 || _tokenToZap == token1, "Zap: Wrong tokens");

        // Convert to uint256 (from uint112)
        (uint256 reserveA, uint256 reserveB, ) = IPancakePair(_lpToken).getReserves();

        if (token0 == _tokenToZap) {
            swapTokenOut = token1;
            swapAmountIn = _calculateAmountToSwap(_tokenAmountIn, reserveA, reserveB);
            swapAmountOut = pancakeRouter.getAmountOut(swapAmountIn, reserveA, reserveB);
        } else {
            swapTokenOut = token0;
            swapAmountIn = _calculateAmountToSwap(_tokenAmountIn, reserveB, reserveA);
            swapAmountOut = pancakeRouter.getAmountOut(swapAmountIn, reserveB, reserveA);

        return (swapAmountIn, swapAmountOut, swapTokenOut);

     * @notice View the details for a rebalancing zap
     * @dev Use WBNB for _token0ToZap (if BNB is the input)
     * @param _token0ToZap: address of the token0 to zap
     * @param _token1ToZap: address of the token0 to zap
     * @param _token0AmountIn: amount for token0 to zap
     * @param _token1AmountIn: amount for token1 to zap
     * @param _lpToken: address of the LP token
     * @return swapAmountIn: amount that is expected to get swapped in intermediary swap
     * @return swapAmountOut: amount that is expected to get received in intermediary swap
     * @return isToken0Sold: whether the token0 is sold (false --> token1 is sold in the intermediary swap)
    function estimateZapInRebalancingSwap(
        address _token0ToZap,
        address _token1ToZap,
        uint256 _token0AmountIn,
        uint256 _token1AmountIn,
        address _lpToken
        returns (
            uint256 swapAmountIn,
            uint256 swapAmountOut,
            bool sellToken0
            _token0ToZap == IPancakePair(_lpToken).token0() || _token0ToZap == IPancakePair(_lpToken).token1(),
            "Zap: Wrong token0"
            _token1ToZap == IPancakePair(_lpToken).token0() || _token1ToZap == IPancakePair(_lpToken).token1(),
            "Zap: Wrong token1"

        require(_token0ToZap != _token1ToZap, "Zap: Same tokens");

        // Convert to uint256 (from uint112)
        (uint256 reserveA, uint256 reserveB, ) = IPancakePair(_lpToken).getReserves();

        if (_token0ToZap == IPancakePair(_lpToken).token0()) {
            sellToken0 = (_token0AmountIn * reserveB > _token1AmountIn * reserveA) ? true : false;

            // Calculate the amount that is expected to be swapped
            swapAmountIn = _calculateAmountToSwapForRebalancing(

            // Calculate the amount expected to be received in the intermediary swap
            if (sellToken0) {
                swapAmountOut = pancakeRouter.getAmountOut(swapAmountIn, reserveA, reserveB);
            } else {
                swapAmountOut = pancakeRouter.getAmountOut(swapAmountIn, reserveB, reserveA);
        } else {
            sellToken0 = (_token0AmountIn * reserveA > _token1AmountIn * reserveB) ? true : false;
            // Calculate the amount that is expected to be swapped
            swapAmountIn = _calculateAmountToSwapForRebalancing(

            // Calculate the amount expected to be received in the intermediary swap
            if (sellToken0) {
                swapAmountOut = pancakeRouter.getAmountOut(swapAmountIn, reserveB, reserveA);
            } else {
                swapAmountOut = pancakeRouter.getAmountOut(swapAmountIn, reserveA, reserveB);

        return (swapAmountIn, swapAmountOut, sellToken0);

     * @notice View the details for single zap
     * @dev Use WBNB for _tokenToReceive (if BNB is the asset to be received)
     * @param _lpToken: address of the LP token to zap out
     * @param _lpTokenAmount: amount of LP token to zap out
     * @param _tokenToReceive: token address to receive
     * @return swapAmountIn: amount that is expected to get swapped for intermediary swap
     * @return swapAmountOut: amount that is expected to get received for intermediary swap
     * @return swapTokenOut: address of the token that is sold in the intermediary swap
    function estimateZapOutSwap(
        address _lpToken,
        uint256 _lpTokenAmount,
        address _tokenToReceive
        returns (
            uint256 swapAmountIn,
            uint256 swapAmountOut,
            address swapTokenOut
        address token0 = IPancakePair(_lpToken).token0();
        address token1 = IPancakePair(_lpToken).token1();

        require(_tokenToReceive == token0 || _tokenToReceive == token1, "Zap: Token not in LP");

        // Convert to uint256 (from uint112)
        (uint256 reserveA, uint256 reserveB, ) = IPancakePair(_lpToken).getReserves();

        if (token1 == _tokenToReceive) {
            // sell token0
            uint256 tokenAmountIn = (_lpTokenAmount * reserveA) / IPancakePair(_lpToken).totalSupply();

            swapAmountIn = tokenAmountIn;
            swapAmountOut = pancakeRouter.getAmountOut(swapAmountIn, reserveA, reserveB);

            swapTokenOut = token0;
        } else {
            // sell token1
            uint256 tokenAmountIn = (_lpTokenAmount * reserveB) / IPancakePair(_lpToken).totalSupply();

            swapAmountIn = tokenAmountIn;
            swapAmountOut = pancakeRouter.getAmountOut(swapAmountIn, reserveB, reserveA);

            swapTokenOut = token1;

        return (swapAmountIn, swapAmountOut, swapTokenOut);

     * @notice Zap a token in (e.g. token/other token)
     * @param _tokenToZap: token to zap
     * @param _tokenAmountIn: amount of token to swap
     * @param _lpToken: LP token address
     * @param _tokenAmountOutMin: minimum token to receive in the intermediary swap
    function _zapIn(
        address _tokenToZap,
        uint256 _tokenAmountIn,
        address _lpToken,
        uint256 _tokenAmountOutMin
    ) internal returns (uint256 lpTokenReceived) {
        require(_tokenAmountIn >= MINIMUM_AMOUNT, "Zap: Amount too low");

        address token0 = IPancakePair(_lpToken).token0();
        address token1 = IPancakePair(_lpToken).token1();

        require(_tokenToZap == token0 || _tokenToZap == token1, "Zap: Wrong tokens");

        // Retrieve the path
        address[] memory path = new address[](2);
        path[0] = _tokenToZap;

        // Initiates an estimation to swap
        uint256 swapAmountIn;

            // Convert to uint256 (from uint112)
            (uint256 reserveA, uint256 reserveB, ) = IPancakePair(_lpToken).getReserves();

            require((reserveA >= MINIMUM_AMOUNT) && (reserveB >= MINIMUM_AMOUNT), "Zap: Reserves too low");

            if (token0 == _tokenToZap) {
                swapAmountIn = _calculateAmountToSwap(_tokenAmountIn, reserveA, reserveB);
                path[1] = token1;
                require(reserveA / swapAmountIn >= maxZapReverseRatio, "Zap: Quantity higher than limit");
            } else {
                swapAmountIn = _calculateAmountToSwap(_tokenAmountIn, reserveB, reserveA);
                path[1] = token0;
                require(reserveB / swapAmountIn >= maxZapReverseRatio, "Zap: Quantity higher than limit");

        // Approve token to zap if necessary
        _approveTokenIfNeeded(_tokenToZap, swapAmountIn);

        uint256[] memory swapedAmounts = pancakeRouter.swapExactTokensForTokens(

        // Approve other token if necessary
        if (token0 == _tokenToZap) {
            _approveTokenIfNeeded(token1, swapAmountIn);
        } else {
            _approveTokenIfNeeded(token0, swapAmountIn);

        // Add liquidity and retrieve the amount of LP received by the sender
        (, , lpTokenReceived) = pancakeRouter.addLiquidity(
            _tokenAmountIn - swapedAmounts[0],

        return lpTokenReceived;

     * @notice Zap two tokens in, rebalance them to 50-50, before adding them to LP
     * @param _token0ToZap: address of token0 to zap
     * @param _token1ToZap: address of token1 to zap
     * @param _token0AmountIn: amount of token0 to zap
     * @param _token1AmountIn: amount of token1 to zap
     * @param _lpToken: LP token address
     * @param _tokenAmountInMax: maximum token amount to sell (in token to sell in the intermediary swap)
     * @param _tokenAmountOutMin: minimum token to receive in the intermediary swap
     * @param _isToken0Sold: whether token0 is expected to be sold (if false, sell token1)
    function _zapInRebalancing(
        address _token0ToZap,
        address _token1ToZap,
        uint256 _token0AmountIn,
        uint256 _token1AmountIn,
        address _lpToken,
        uint256 _tokenAmountInMax,
        uint256 _tokenAmountOutMin,
        bool _isToken0Sold
    ) internal returns (uint256 lpTokenReceived) {
            _token0ToZap == IPancakePair(_lpToken).token0() || _token0ToZap == IPancakePair(_lpToken).token1(),
            "Zap: Wrong token0"
            _token1ToZap == IPancakePair(_lpToken).token0() || _token1ToZap == IPancakePair(_lpToken).token1(),
            "Zap: Wrong token1"

        require(_token0ToZap != _token1ToZap, "Zap: Same tokens");

        // Initiates an estimation to swap
        uint256 swapAmountIn;

            // Convert to uint256 (from uint112)
            (uint256 reserveA, uint256 reserveB, ) = IPancakePair(_lpToken).getReserves();

            require((reserveA >= MINIMUM_AMOUNT) && (reserveB >= MINIMUM_AMOUNT), "Zap: Reserves too low");

            if (_token0ToZap == IPancakePair(_lpToken).token0()) {
                swapAmountIn = _calculateAmountToSwapForRebalancing(
                require(reserveA / swapAmountIn >= maxZapReverseRatio, "Zap: Quantity higher than limit");
            } else {
                swapAmountIn = _calculateAmountToSwapForRebalancing(

                require(reserveB / swapAmountIn >= maxZapReverseRatio, "Zap: Quantity higher than limit");

        require(swapAmountIn <= _tokenAmountInMax, "Zap: Amount to swap too high");

        address[] memory path = new address[](2);

        // Define path for swapping and check whether to approve token to sell in intermediary swap
        if (_isToken0Sold) {
            path[0] = _token0ToZap;
            path[1] = _token1ToZap;
            _approveTokenIfNeeded(_token0ToZap, swapAmountIn);
        } else {
            path[0] = _token1ToZap;
            path[1] = _token0ToZap;
            _approveTokenIfNeeded(_token1ToZap, swapAmountIn);

        // Execute the swap and retrieve quantity received
        uint256[] memory swapedAmounts = pancakeRouter.swapExactTokensForTokens(

        // Check whether to approve other token and add liquidity to LP
        if (_isToken0Sold) {
            _approveTokenIfNeeded(_token1ToZap, swapAmountIn);

            (, , lpTokenReceived) = pancakeRouter.addLiquidity(
                (_token0AmountIn - swapedAmounts[0]),
                (_token1AmountIn + swapedAmounts[1]),
        } else {
            _approveTokenIfNeeded(_token0ToZap, swapAmountIn);
            (, , lpTokenReceived) = pancakeRouter.addLiquidity(
                (_token1AmountIn - swapedAmounts[0]),
                (_token0AmountIn + swapedAmounts[1]),

        return lpTokenReceived;

     * @notice Zap a LP token out to a token (e.g. token/other token)
     * @param _lpToken: LP token address
     * @param _tokenToReceive: token address
     * @param _tokenAmountOutMin: minimum token to receive in the intermediary swap
    function _zapOut(
        address _lpToken,
        address _tokenToReceive,
        uint256 _tokenAmountOutMin,
        uint256 _totalTokenAmountOutMin
    ) internal returns (uint256) {
        address token0 = IPancakePair(_lpToken).token0();
        address token1 = IPancakePair(_lpToken).token1();

        require(_tokenToReceive == token0 || _tokenToReceive == token1, "Zap: Token not in LP");

        // Burn all LP tokens to receive the two tokens to this address
        (uint256 amount0, uint256 amount1) = IPancakePair(_lpToken).burn(address(this));

        require(amount0 >= MINIMUM_AMOUNT, "PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_A_AMOUNT");
        require(amount1 >= MINIMUM_AMOUNT, "PancakeRouter: INSUFFICIENT_B_AMOUNT");

        address[] memory path = new address[](2);
        path[1] = _tokenToReceive;

        uint256 swapAmountIn;

        if (token0 == _tokenToReceive) {
            path[0] = token1;
            swapAmountIn = IERC20(token1).balanceOf(address(this));

            // Approve token to sell if necessary
            _approveTokenIfNeeded(token1, swapAmountIn);
        } else {
            path[0] = token0;
            swapAmountIn = IERC20(token0).balanceOf(address(this));

            // Approve token to sell if necessary
            _approveTokenIfNeeded(token0, swapAmountIn);

        // Swap tokens
        pancakeRouter.swapExactTokensForTokens(swapAmountIn, _tokenAmountOutMin, path, address(this), block.timestamp);

        // Return full balance for the token to receive by the sender
        require(_totalTokenAmountOutMin < IERC20(_tokenToReceive).balanceOf(address(this)), "amount is not enough");
        return IERC20(_tokenToReceive).balanceOf(address(this));

     * @notice Allows to zap a token in (e.g. token/other token)
     * @param _token: token address
    function _approveTokenIfNeeded(address _token, uint256 _swapAmountIn) private {
        if (IERC20(_token).allowance(address(this), pancakeRouterAddress) < _swapAmountIn) {
            // Reset to 0
            IERC20(_token).safeApprove(pancakeRouterAddress, 0);
            // Re-approve
            IERC20(_token).safeApprove(pancakeRouterAddress, MAX_INT);

     * @notice Calculate the swap amount to get the price at 50/50 split
     * @param _token0AmountIn: amount of token 0
     * @param _reserve0: amount in reserve for token0
     * @param _reserve1: amount in reserve for token1
     * @return amountToSwap: swapped amount (in token0)
    function _calculateAmountToSwap(
        uint256 _token0AmountIn,
        uint256 _reserve0,
        uint256 _reserve1
    ) private view returns (uint256 amountToSwap) {
        uint256 halfToken0Amount = _token0AmountIn / 2;
        uint256 nominator = pancakeRouter.getAmountOut(halfToken0Amount, _reserve0, _reserve1);
        uint256 denominator = pancakeRouter.quote(
            _reserve0 + halfToken0Amount,
            _reserve1 - nominator

        // Adjustment for price impact
        amountToSwap =
            _token0AmountIn -
            Babylonian.sqrt((halfToken0Amount * halfToken0Amount * nominator) / denominator);

        return amountToSwap;

Gas estimation will mostly occur when you are running the transactions on the wrong chain. I see that you are using pancake router so maybe you have to test this on mainnet chains?