I saw that similar problem has happened to other people as well.
It was said it is fixed.
But I used the NFT API and still got wrong data.
I used Polygon Mainnet on moralis server
const serverUrl = “https://xlmdnfrbxbjy.usemoralis.com:2053/server”, with relevant appId.
Then, I used this code
const options = { chain: 'matic', address: '0xc4216ef62a4b51b2a847ad9c7a2ef4b83b380390' };
const polygonNFTs = await Moralis.Web3API.account.getNFTs(options);
It returned an unknown NFT,
block_number: “14139074”
block_number_minted: “14139074”
contract_type: “ERC1155”
token_address: “0x3d085869f5d0ae1f5de932e40b2397a75f1ed2a7”
token_id: “513571”
My wallet address, should has 3 NFT, but none is shown.
Am I wrong in using the api ?