Why there's not nfts response from 'Get NFTs by contract' endpoint?

Iโ€™m using this endpoint to get the nfts from contract with no result.

moralis endpoint: Get NFTs by contract (moralis.io)
contract: 0xcC8917469975732c0075250B1b5031B2880d0Aeb
chain: polygon
Nfts on polygonscan: ERC721Mintable | Address 0xcc8917469975732c0075250b1b5031b2880d0aeb | PolygonScan

it looks like there is an issue with the interfaces that are implemented by that contract, polygonscan doesnโ€™t recognise that contract as an ERC721 contract either


it says there an erc20

do you happen to know what interfaces specific to NFTs are implemented for that contract?