In my solidity code, I am able to mint new ERC721 tokens and successfully use the:
safeTransferFrom(from, _to, _tokenId, ââ);
function to transfer these newly minted tokens between two accounts within my Metamask!
However I am NOT able to use the
safeTransferFrom(from, _to, _tokenId, ââ);
code, to transfer MY ERC721 tokens that are viewable in my account.
Kindly help me understand how I can enable this to happenâŚ
Find below my Remix settings:
Find below my Solidity code:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity ^0.6.2;import ââ;
contract CryptoGift is ERC721 {
address public owner; constructor() ERC721("Crypto Gift", "CGT") public { owner = msg.sender; } function createNFT(uint256 _tokenId) public { address NFTOwner = msg.sender; _mint(NFTOwner, _tokenId); } function GiftAFriend ( address _to, uint256 _tokenId) public virtual { address from = msg.sender; uint256 numberOfTokens = balanceOf(from); require(numberOfTokens >= 1, "You dont haven any Tokens!"); safeTransferFrom(from, _to, _tokenId, ""); }
As you noticed in the image above, my MetaMask wallet address is: 0x358Bc77A023FD62Db821F40F7B4A9D3CBDadEfd3
in MetaMask I also have an alternative address which is:
After deployment in Remix, and after minting a ERC721 token, I am able to successfully transfer the token to my alternative address:
0x4Ee7d298487B15ff2046A893f3364D8844C935e5 as illustrated below
The success also reflects in etherscan:
I then switch addresses in my Metamask to my alternative address: 0x4Ee7d298487B15ff2046A893f3364D8844C935e5 with the intention of returning the token back to my original address, as illustrated below.
the success is also captured in etherscan at:
This means my solidity code above works perfectly
The issue is when I try transferring the ERC721 tokens found in my account, found at:
I get the below error message suggesting that the token doesnât exist
Where am I going wrong, and how can I correct this?