Where's the .env.example file?

In this video at 24.50, he adds the URL and ID to .env but i dont have it. Im using ā€˜decentradit-mainā€™ from here (decentradit.sol). Im quite sure Im doing it wrong because Im new

you can create a new file named ā€œ.envā€. That works too.
It just contains moralis server url and AppId

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Do you know how to fix this? Every time i put

yarn start

in the terminal, it says

yarn run v1.22.18
$ react-scripts start
/bin/sh: react-scripts: command not found
error Command failed with exit code 127.
info Visit https://yarnpkg.com/en/docs/cli/run for documentation about this command.

Is yarn installed globally?

Iā€™m not very sure but probably yes

run install -g react-scripts

and then try yarn run