What is the V2 alternative for Cloud Functions from V1?

Many projects have used Cloud Functions from moralis-v1.

What is the alternative if V2 is being used?

Cloud functions are more or less like an API which does something e.g. change or read something in database if you make a request to it.

E.g. a cloud function called getUsers which can be called with https://serverurl.usemoralis.com:2053/server/functions/getUsers.

ah okay. So I guess setting a cloud function using a masterKey to hide that and access restricted data like Users, won’t need to happen on self-hosted servers since they are different?

it depends on how you want to self host, if you host parse server (what is used in a moralis server now) then you have cloud functions directly from parse server, if you make your own backend then you can call your own backend functions/endpoints from front end

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