What is the difference between token_addresses and tokenAddresses in getWalletNFTs

Hi Guys

Hope all is well.

I’m just a bit confused here. I just want to find out what is the difference between token_addresses and tokenAddresses when using Moralis.EvmApi.nft.getWalletNFTs.

I started building an app a month ago and used token_addresses which is still in the documentation here. Now it gives an error and gives tokenAddresses as an option. The way the metadata is returned has also changed effectively breaking the app.

Has this changed in the last month? Or am I doing something different which is not immediately clear?

EDIT: When I say it the way the metadata changed previously I was getting it at the top level of the object. Now I have to access it via result array. Am I doing something differently?

it is the same thing but the SDK code changed from one to the other form (just to match the names specific to JavaScript)

can you give an example of the metadata?

you should also be able to access the raw results from the api request or use an older version of the SDK that was working before for you until you make the code changes

What I had to do was convert the result metadata to an array. Before I did not have to do this. I just had to parse & stringify the response from Moralis.EvmApi.nft.getWalletNFTs and looped through the metadata. Or maybe I did something differently. Who knows?

Before. How data was returned.

After. How data was returned.

Did not need to work with response.result previously. Just the response. That is what confused me.

Or I might just be so immersed that I’m confused?

Can you post the code you’re using? The response structure hasn’t changed (the metadata is in each NFT object inside the result array) - you may be using different code now. Did you update your SDK version?

metadata is also meant to be a string (JSON) like the after example - what code leads to the first and second screenshots?