Web3UIKit with Next JS and Moralis 2.4.0

Hy Guys, how are you?

I started a new project where I was expecting to use the new version of Moralis (2.4.0), React-Moralis and Web3UIKit, once on my previous projects I was using Moralis V1, React-Moralis and WebUIKit. For that, I just installed moralis, react-moralis and webuikit@core/@utils/@icons. When I started the page I started to receive errors message informing that was missing moralis-v1, and ConnectButton was not working properly. So, I decided to remove moralis and install moralis-v1. After that ConnectButton started to work properly, but on page console a message informing there is a new version of Moralis (2.4.0) is available. Then, I installed Moralis, but not called it on the page, just to check if the message gone, but not. So, I got confused what I need to have installed

Can anyone explain me which packages I really to have installed to use web3uikit, once now we have Moralis 2.4.0?

web3uikit does not work currently with Moralis 2.0 (2.4.0). You will need to keep using moralis-v1 and react-moralis.

on page console a message informing there is a new version of Moralis (2.4.0) is available

You can ignore this.

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