web3Sign trigger signer address missing or invalid, OpenSea plugin

Iโ€™m trying to use opensea plugin to sell and buy NFT. I used the following code to create a sell order:

    network: this.network,
    tokenAddress: this.nftContractAddress,
    tokenId: tokenId,
    tokenType: this.tokenType,
    userAddress: this.fromAddress,
    startAmount: 0.01,
    endAmount: 0.01,

But I am getting following error after setApprovalForAll transaction is confirmed.
web3Sign trigger signer address missing or invalid
how do I overcome this?
Thank you

are you using latest version of the plugin?

yes. Iโ€™m using v0.0.87

you could try to looks in network tab in your browser to see what data was sent to the plugin as payload to see if everything seems ok there

I checked the response and it seemed fine but it didnt have signer property.
this is the response:
and the error was throwed from this code:

@cryptokid should I call Moralis.Plugin.opensea.signSellOrder() before calling Moralis.Plugins.opensea.createSellOrder() ?

I donโ€™t know exactly, after you make it work on testnet, you will have problems on mainnet with the api key

Iโ€™m getting the same error, Is there any solution?

Hello Everybody,
I got some issues using Moralis Opensea plugins.
when i click the create sell order in moralis opensea plugins source.
After approving my NFTs, trigger errors always appered.and
sometimes web3Sign tirgger signer address missing errors also.
and No updates in opensea, pls help me.
It 's very urgent.

hey, if i may ask you, Did you solve that problem?
If you did, pls let me know here or [email protected]
pls ping to me

Does anyone know the fix for this issue?