WEB3 API Parameters

i am trying to use the WEB3 API with sending parameters. but seems i am to stupid to figure out the right format. i am using lot of functions without need of adding parameters, and them working without any problem.

so my question is how to add for example an address to the parameter so can call a contract function with gives me for example dividends of an specific address.

talking about this stuff here :slight_smile:

  "abi": [],
  "params": {}

Thank you for your help!

Hi , i too have same issue, any one respond on how to fix

you can test runContractFunction directly in docs interface:

yes i tried , it works to retrive data from smart contract but it wont let you to send value to smartcontract.

Run a given function of a contract ABI and retrieve readonly data. we must use web3.py for this , i have issuse to pip web3.py

what is the issue that you have with installing web3 in python?

can you give an example that doesn’t work? it should work with those params, based on the names used in the abi