Web3 API nft trades glitching

It seems the nft trades API has a glitch that started around 13:50 GMT. The total in the json returned shows 4 (correct) but there are 500 results, all with a strange 16th April date. I’m fairly sure it’s all historical sales well before this time period (the API request is filtering to the last week).

Not sure if Moralis has any status page that tells us if a service is having trouble. Also checked twitter but no mention either, so here I am on the forum.


Can you give an example of web3api request that doesn’t return the expected output?


Seeing the same results? Should be 4 but I’m still getting a page full of 500 results. It had been working smoothly up until 14th April, and it seems to have stopped working since then (some sales have happened that weren’t reported), and then at 13:50 GMT today it suddenly started ‘working’ again but incorrectly with 500 results all with the strange date (and slightly different times).

Just to let you know, I’m getting 4 results returned when I use that call with my own api key.

    "total": 4,
    "page": 0,
    "page_size": 500,
    "cursor": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJsaW1pdCI6NTAwLCJvZmZzZXQiOjUwMCwib3JkZXIiOltbInRyYW5zZmVyX2luZGV4IiwiREVTQyJdXSwid2hlcmUiOnsic2VsbGVyX2FkZHJlc3MiOnt9LCJidXllcl9hZGRyZXNzIjp7fSwidG9rZW5fYWRkcmVzcyI6e30sIm1hcmtldHBsYWNlX2FkZHJlc3MiOiIweDdiZTgwNzZmNGVhNGE0YWQwODA3NWMyNTA4ZTQ4MWQ2Yzk0NmQxMmIifSwiZnJvbV9ibG9jayI6IjE0NTcwMjAxIiwibWFya2V0cGxhY2UiOiJvcGVuc2VhIiwicGFnZSI6MSwia2V5IjoiMTQ1OTg0MDYuODIiLCJpYXQiOjE2NTAzODY3MDd9.vMOq3rLaUToja4Sy9R4L13brmk0wWIF0-G604Jgvuy8",
    "result": [
            "transaction_hash": "0xf7fcded46c43392487cfdb74ac5cea23f7db85a194670acc4ec2afb2393b12ee",
            "transaction_index": "92",
            "token_ids": [
            "seller_address": "0xec73bd684ec29ad0c8524fe86ef0ca653a2f4f9d",
            "buyer_address": "0xe722fa99a616512e5a58caecabd5375547e3b103",
            "token_address": "0xcd0c54d7b37a51fe27c1df580220b21c8608ce38",
            "marketplace_address": "0x7be8076f4ea4a4ad08075c2508e481d6c946d12b",
            "price": "3330000000000000",
            "price_token_address": null,
            "block_timestamp": "2022-04-16T20:32:13.000Z",
            "block_number": "14598564",
            "block_hash": "0xa478a8b431802dffa615a0b8dd36b9643af82048e1fe6bcf124a498d85e45fe1"
            "transaction_hash": "0x12b0c159af7ae27b045551f7687684ad2f0535adb89686f2a793b1a0501a66ec",
            "transaction_index": "91",
            "token_ids": [
            "seller_address": "0x12a2f222694cbd9eebbd01f1204d4cbaacfd2ddd",
            "buyer_address": "0xb610200968a950863572f5af94165eeff47de252",
            "token_address": "0x23581767a106ae21c074b2276d25e5c3e136a68b",
            "marketplace_address": "0x7be8076f4ea4a4ad08075c2508e481d6c946d12b",
            "price": "9990000000000000000",
            "price_token_address": null,
            "block_timestamp": "2022-04-16T20:32:13.000Z",
            "block_number": "14598564",
            "block_hash": "0xa478a8b431802dffa615a0b8dd36b9643af82048e1fe6bcf124a498d85e45fe1"

Using Postman GET request https://deep-index.moralis.io/api/v2/nft/0xe9be55ffedb6c2a2f3f8eac31c60d7f122f79958/trades?chain=eth&from_date=2022-04-12T10:34&marketplace=opensea

I see a lot of results and not only 4, it looks like it is a problem somewhere

Results now tally up, total says 2, number of results are 2. Although last sale date is 14th when there have been sales since then.

Now it is a different problem? Of not having all the expected trades for that interval?

Correct, I’m going to check, we know there was a FVCKRENDER sale of one and that’s not showing up, and was something I was looking into before the API started doing the odd 500 results bug.

Just that one sale on April 17th. https://etherscan.io/tx/0x55d4a1b5197062d267b6b11d8cdd5a0492303fed6d0a0e1e8dda09e9373d463c

can you create a separate forum post with this problem? it could be easier to track

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