Warnings, Compressed Uniswap logo, Javascript not being imported into public>>index.html


I love the Dashbaord but Im starting to get annoyed with the amount of errors that no one can help me fix.

Firstly this error keeps appearing when NPM START is run
WARNING in ./node_modules/antd/dist/antd.css (./node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[1].oneOf[5].use[1]!./node_modules/postcss-loader/dist/cjs.js??ruleSet[1].rules[1].oneOf[5].use[2]!./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js!./node_modules/antd/dist/antd.css)
Module Warning (from ./node_modules/source-map-loader/dist/cjs.js):
Failed to parse source map: ‘webpack://antd/./components/time-picker/style/index.less’ URL is not supported
@ ./node_modules/antd/dist/antd.css 8:6-231 22:17-24 26:7-21 58:25-39 59:36-47 59:50-64 63:6-73:7 64:54-65 64:68-82 70:42-53 70:56-70 72:21-28 83:0-201 83:0-201 84:22-29 84:33-47 84:50-64 61:4-74:5
@ ./src/App.jsx 18:0-28
@ ./src/index.js 6:0-24 24:35-38

It says there 98 warnings.

Secoundly sometimes when I connect the metamask no ID appears so nothing connects.

Now im tring to run it and nothing is appearing. Can someone who knows how to fix this please help me…

Compressed Uniswap logo, Javascript not being imported into public>>index.html.

Can you elaborate more on this please.

If this is from the ethereum-boilerplate you can ignore these warnings for now.

Secoundly sometimes when I connect the metamask no ID appears so nothing connects.

What do you mean by ID? Do you get any browser console errors?