WalletConnect Integration In Unity WebGL

Here is the wallet connect Inspector screenshot

type or p// Load web3modal to connect to wallet
    type: "text/javascript",
     src: "./network.js"
document.body.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement("script"), {
    type: "text/javascript",
    src: "./web3/lib/web3modal.js"
// Load web3js to create transactions
document.body.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement("script"), {
    type: "text/javascript",
    src: "./web3/lib/web3.min.js"
document.body.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement("script"), {
     type: "text/javascript",
     src: "https://unpkg.com/@toruslabs/torus-embed"
document.body.appendChild(Object.assign(document.createElement("script"), {
    type: "text/javascript",
    src: "https://unpkg.com/@walletconnect/[email protected]/dist/umd/index.min.js"
window.web3ChainId = 1;
let provider;
let web3;
// Define web3gl to unity interface
window.web3gl = {
    networkId: 0,
    debugMode: false,
    connectAccount: "",
    signMessageResponse: "",
    sendTransactionResponse: "",
    sendContractResponse: "",
// Define Live Queries
window.moralisLiveQueries = {
    requestId: 0,
    webSockets: {},
    openSocketResponse: "",
    closeSocketResponse: "",
async function openSocket(key, path) {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        let reqId = window.moralisLiveQueries.requestId++;
        let ws = {
            socketUrl: path,
            requestId: reqId,
            socket: null,
            messages: [],
            errors: [],
            onmessage: function (data) {
                var msg = JSON.stringify(data.data);
                console.log('onmessage: ' + msg);
            onerror: function (data) {
                var msg = JSON.stringify(data.data);
                console.log('onerror: ' + msg);
        ws.socket = new WebSocket(path);
        ws.socket.onmessage = ws.onmessage;
        ws.socket.onopen = function (e) {
            var msg = JSON.stringify(e);
            window.moralisLiveQueries.openSocketResponse = msg;
            // Resolve the promise - we are connected
        ws.socket.onclose = function (event) {
            if (event.wasClean) {
                window.moralisLiveQueries.closeSocketResponse = event; //`[${key} close] Connection closed cleanly, code=${event.code} reason=${event.reason}`;
            } else {
                // e.g. server process killed or network down
                // event.code is usually 1006 in this case
                window.moralisLiveQueries.closeSocketResponse = `[${key} close] Connection died`;
        window.moralisLiveQueries.webSockets[key] = ws;
function getSocketState(key) {
    var state = 3; // default to closed.
    if (window.moralisLiveQueries.webSockets[key]) {
        state = window.moralisLiveQueries.webSockets[key].socket.readyState;
    return state;
function closeSocket(key) {
    if (window.moralisLiveQueries.webSockets[key]) {
function sendRequest(key, msg) {
    if (window.moralisLiveQueries.webSockets[key]) {
// Get any messages in the message queue of websoket key.
function getMessages(key) {
    var resp = [];
    if (window.moralisLiveQueries.webSockets[key]) {
        resp = [...window.moralisLiveQueries.webSockets[key].messages];
        window.moralisLiveQueries.webSockets[key].messages = [];
    return resp;
// Get any errors in the error queue of websoket key.
function getErrors(key) {
    var resp = [];
    if (window.moralisLiveQueries.webSockets[key]) {
        resp = [...window.moralisLiveQueries.webSockets[key].errors];
        window.moralisLiveQueries.webSockets[key].errors = [];
    return resp;
// END Moralis WebSocket -----------------------------------------------------
Establish connection to web3.
//appLogo, appTitle, appDesc
async function connect(appLogo, appTitle, appDesc) {
    const providerOptions = {
        walletconnect: {
            package: window.WalletConnectProvider.default,
            options: {
            infuraId: "c53d311b45f744c8a45572f78010e22c",
        injected: {
            display: {
                logo: appLogo,
                name: appTitle,
                description: appDesc
            package: null
        torus: {
            package: Torus,
    const web3Modal = new window.Web3Modal.default({
    // Create a provider
    provider = await web3Modal.connect();
    console.log("After connect");
    //  Enable session (triggers QR Code modal)
    await provider.enable();
    // Instantiate Web3
    web3 = new Web3(provider);
    // Set network id from the connected provider.
    web3gl.networkId = parseInt(provider.chainId);
    // Set system chain id
    if (web3gl.networkId != window.web3ChainId) {
        try {
            await window.ethereum.request({
                method: "wallet_switchEthereumChain",
            // params: [{ chainId: `0x${window.web3ChainId.toString(16)}` }], // chainId must be in hexadecimal numbers
        } catch(e) {
            // Could not get a wallet connection
            await addEthereumChain();
        //  web3gl.connectAccount = "false";
        window.web3ChainId = web3gl.networkId;
    // Set the current account from the provider.
    web3gl.connectAccount = provider.selectedAddress || provider.accounts[0];
    // If the account has changed, reload the page.
    provider.on("accountsChanged", (accounts) => {
    // Update chain id if player changes network.
    provider.on("chainChanged", (chainId) => {
        web3gl.networkId = parseInt(chainId);
Implement sign message
async function signMessage(message) {
    try {
        const from = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
        log('signMessage: message: ' + message);
        const signature = await web3.eth.personal.sign(message, from, "");
        window.web3gl.signMessageResponse = signature;
        log('signMessage: signature: ' + signature);
    } catch (error) {
        window.web3gl.signMessageResponse = error.message;
        log('signMessage: error: ' + error.message);
Implement send transaction
async function sendTransaction(to, value, gasLimit, gasPrice) {
    const from = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
    log('sendTransaction to: ' + to + ' value: ' + value + ' gasLimit: ' + gasLimit + ' gasPrice: ' + gasPrice);
            gas: gasLimit ? gasLimit : undefined,
            gasPrice: gasPrice ? gasPrice : undefined,
        .on("transactionHash", (transactionHash) => {
            window.web3gl.sendTransactionResponse = transactionHash;
            log('sendTransaction: txnHash: ' + transactionHash);
        .on("error", (error) => {
            window.web3gl.sendTransactionResponse = error.message;
            log('sendTransaction: error: ' + error.message);
Implement send contract
async function sendContract(method, abi, contract, args, value, gasLimit, gasPrice) {
    const from = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
    log('sendContract method: ' + method + ' value: ' + value + ' gasLimit: ' + gasLimit + ' gasPrice: ' + gasPrice + ' args: ' + args);
    new web3.eth.Contract(JSON.parse(abi), contract).methods[method](...JSON.parse(args))
            gas: gasLimit ? gasLimit : undefined,
            gasPrice: gasPrice ? gasPrice : undefined,
        .on("transactionHash", (transactionHash) => {
            window.web3gl.sendContractResponse = transactionHash;
            log('sendContract: txnHash: ' + transactionHash);
        .on("error", (error) => {
            window.web3gl.sendContractResponse = error.message;
            log('sendContract: error: ' + error.message);
function log(msg) {
    if (window.web3gl.debugMode) {
        console.log("web3gl: " + msg);
async function addEthereumChain() {
    const account = (await web3.eth.getAccounts())[0];
    // fetch https://chainid.network/chains.json
    const response = await fetch("https://chainid.network/chains.json");
    const chains = await response.json();
    // find chain with network id
    const chain = chains.find((chain) => chain.chainId == window.web3ChainId);
    const params = {
      chainId: "0x" + chain.chainId.toString(16), // A 0x-prefixed hexadecimal string
      chainName: chain.name,
      nativeCurrency: {
        name: chain.nativeCurrency.name,
        symbol: chain.nativeCurrency.symbol, // 2-6 characters long
        decimals: chain.nativeCurrency.decimals,
      rpcUrls: chain.rpc,
      blockExplorerUrls: [chain.explorers && chain.explorers.length > 0 && chain.explorers[0].url ? chain.explorers[0].url : chain.infoURL],
    await window.ethereum
          method: "wallet_addEthereumChain",
          params: [params, account],
        .catch(() => {
          // I give up
  }aste code here

This is the code for the walletConnect in WebGL >>web3>>index.js

Screen Shot from WebGL running Locally

Error ScreenShot when I click on walletConnect

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What version Unity 3D?
What version Moralis Game Kit? Thank you