Hi, I’m upgrading from the 6.x library to 8x and I’m having problems with the walletconnectv2 connector.
I get this error:
Error connecting to wallet: Error: Invalid chainId 5. Make sure the default chain is included in "chains" - chains specified in "optionalChains" may not be selected as default, as they may not be supported by the wallet.
Connector Code:
import { initializeConnector } from '@web3-react/core'
import { WalletConnect as WalletConnectV2 } from '@web3-react/walletconnect-v2'
export const [walletConnectV2, hooks] = initializeConnector<WalletConnectV2>(
(actions) =>
new WalletConnectV2({
options: {
chains: [1, 56, 43114, 106, 137],
optionalChains: [5, 80001, 421613, 97, 43113, 111],
showQrModal: true,
hook code
const connect = useCallback(
async (walletName, chainId) => {
let chain: IChainState | null = null;
let connector: MetaMask | WalletConnect;
// Metamask NOT found
if (walletName === 'Metamask' && typeof window?.ethereum === 'undefined') {
console.warn('Web3 injection not found!');
title: 'Provider not found',
message: 'Provider was not found, please try again',
// Connect to metamask and recover chain state
if (walletName === 'Metamask') {
connector = metaMask;
await switchChainOrAdd([getAddChainParameters(chainId.id)]);
chain = { ...recoverChainState(chainId.id), provider: Web3?.givenProvider };
// Connect to walletconnect and recover chain state
if (walletName === 'Trust Wallet') {
connector = walletConnectV2;
chain = { ...recoverChainState(chainId.id), provider: Web3?.givenProvider };
console.log(chainId, 'chainId')
try {
JSON.stringify({ name: walletName, chainId: network.provider, expireDate: dayjs().add(2, 'hour').format() })
chainDispatch({ type: 'chainSwitch', payload: chain });
console.log(chainId.id, 'chainId.id')
await connector.activate(chainId.id);
} catch (e) {
console.error('Error connecting to wallet:', e);
setError(e instanceof Error ? e : new Error('Failed to connect to the wallet'));
import { initializeConnector } from '@web3-react/core'
import { WalletConnect as WalletConnectV2 } from '@web3-react/walletconnect-v2'
import {MAINNET_CHAINS} from "../chains";
const [mainnet, ...optionalChains] = Object.keys(MAINNET_CHAINS).map(Number)
export const [walletConnectV2, hooks] = initializeConnector<WalletConnectV2>(
(actions) =>
new WalletConnectV2({
options: {
chains: [1, 137],
optionalChains: [5, 80001],
showQrModal: true,
With Metamask I have it working, the problem is with WalletConnectV2. For this reason I understand that it does not show the modal.
On the other hand, I have yet to approve my project ID in walletconnect cloud. Does this error have anything to do with this message?
Any suggestions?
Thank you