V1->V2 moralis API

Today, I eventually managed to migrate my entire code from V1 to V2. I had pretty heavy integration with React-Moralis, and the previous database system.

In the process, I removed a lot of dependencies with Moralis codebase and now rely more on Firebase for basic functions and wagmi. This felt good. I think I am definitely more scalable now.
This was a lot of work and took an entire month of my free time.

I am glad to be there and my website is functional again so I should be able to release soon.

If another large deprecation like that would to happen again, I will probably try to remove my dependencies with Moralis codebase. Hopefully v2 will be more stable :slight_smile:

The point with using Moralis initially was to save time and I am not sure this has been my experience due to this deprecation.

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Hey @jerome.

Happy to hear that your website is running again and really sorry for the bad experience.

We welcome any feedback if you still any for us to improve further and we will definitely try to avoid this again in the future.

Would love to read the process :slight_smile: I am also trying to migrate my V1 to V2

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