V1.2.9 WebGL Build not Connecting

So do i connect with Unity Editor but not with WebGL build. Please, could you try with webgl build?

Yes it works with WebGL build and run in my browser (Edge). Can you try with Unity editor version 2021.3.4? I am using the same MoralisWebGL template for Player settings also and same game kit version you’ve tried (1.2.10).

I tried now. Everything is same like you. Unity 2021.3.4, game kit 1.2.10 and browser (chrome, edge, firefox). But black screen :frowning: Congrulations screen is not opening.

Make sure those browsers are up to date.

Can you please outline the exact steps you do to set up the project (e.g. from game kit .unitypackage), configure WebGL, import the demo/fireworks scene, how you build and run to see if there is something you can/should do differently.

First of all, thanks for answering my questions. I just factory reset my device.
My device: Macbook Air M2 Monterey 12.6
Unity Version: 2021.3.9f1 SILICON LTS
Game kit version: 1.2.10
I created a new empty project and i changed to WebGL. After that, i installed moralisweb3sdk_v1_2_10.unitypackage file to my new empty project.

After that:

Everything looks fine there, thanks for the videos. I will try to replicate this or at least provide the steps I do that works on my end in a new project over the next few days, although I am on Windows.

I guess another option if you’re willing is to try on a different computer or use a VM e.g. Windows to try and run it.

Unity Version: 2021.3.9f1 SILICON LTS

To confirm, you did try with 2021.3.4 before?


1: Create new Unity project (2021.3.4)

2: Open moralisweb3sdk_v1_2_10.unitypackage to import into project (“Import Unity Package”)

3: Add server / dapp URL and app ID in game kit Web3 Setup popup

4: Add demo/wallet scene (Assets > Moralis Web3 Unity SDK > Demos > Resources > Introduction.unity)

5: Copy WebGLTemplate folder (Packages > Moralis Web3 Unity SDK > Resources) using file explorer into project’s Assets folder

6: Build Settings > Platform change to WebGL > Switch Platform

7: Build Settings > Player Settings > WebGL Template change to MoralisWebGL > close dialog/window and reopen to make sure it saved

8: Build Settings > Build and Run > browser

I tried same everything with 2021.3.4 and black screen :frowning:

I’m not sure, can you try on another device? Remember to make sure the server you’re using is up as well, the one you posted at the top of this thread isn’t responsive.

Chrome developer console when black screen open.

That server is a new one? Do you mind sharing the serverUrl and appId to make sure that’s not the issue.


There is no problem with the server. I even opened a new account and created a completely new server, but the problem persists.

It was working in Unity Editor when I tried it on Mac Os. But it doesn’t work even in Unity Editor on Windows.
Windows 10 64 bit
Unity 2021.3.4f1
Moralis kit 1.2.10

I do not get that issue with your server with the same OS and Unity editor/SDK versions. This is in another new project?

Yes, i created empty new project. But it was working in Unity Editor on MacOS. So the error in Windows does not matter. It is enough if the error in the WEBGL build I created on macOS is resolved :slight_smile:

Black screen problem is still same with v1.2.11. Problem not solved on WebGL Build.

These are the project files from a working WebGL project on my end (default scene) - you can try that.

I tried on Macbook Air with Silicon Arm and black screen problem is still same. But i tried on Macbook Pro with Intel, it working perfectly. Metamask wallet is connecting. I guess, Unity cannot make build right with Macbooks that have silicon arms. Please fix moralis webgl builds for apple silicon version.

Black screen issue persists on Apple Silicon Builds. Wallet link not working. But macbooks with Intel processors do not have such a problem.