useMoralisQuery then save .first

I have a onclick function onClaim that gets the txnId and now I want to use that txnId to query from Transactions table. but I’m having error in .first()

 const onClaim = (txnId: any) => {
    const query = useMoralisQuery(
      (query) =>
          .equalTo("_id", txnId), 
      const txnClaim = query.first()


I have a create method, but i never had a update function. I tried to query the first result

I also tried this kind of method:

 const onClaim = (txnId: any) => {
    const txnClaim = useMoralisQuery(
      (query) =>
          .equalTo("_id", txnId), 


here is an example of my create function that works perfectly well:

   const TransactionsHistory = Moralis.Object.extend("Transactions");
   const txnHistory = new TransactionsHistory();
      txnHistory.set("ethAddress", user?.get("ethAddress"));

You can add a sequence of query conditions like this.

(query) =>
      .equalTo("_id", txnId), 

there is an error:

I tried

(query) =>
      .equalTo("_id", txnId), 

For now try ignoring the type errors with :any to see if it works.

what do you mean? should I add :any or remove it?

Similar to this in your TypeScript project, yes add it to get around any type issues.

how? I mean where will I put the :any?

I think he meant to add it for the query to suppress the type error.

(query : any) => // <- here
      .equalTo("_id", txnId) // <- and we can remove the "," here. I missed

And one more thing I noticed is useMoralisQuery can’t be used inside a normal function (onClaim). It should be used inside a react component function.
So you can use fetch function to call the query when required.

const { fetch } = useMoralisQuery({...
{ autoFetch: false }, 

Since txnClaim is an a array of objects, you need to use txnClaim[0] to set and save data.