Use /ipfs/uploadFolder to upload File from client

i am using this function to upload a folder full of json data as specified like this :
[ {
path: โ€™ path needed here ',
content: โ€™ base64 string etc. โ€™
} ]

my question here is : when i allow the user to upload an image with my client e.g i have an input of type โ€˜fileโ€™ which allows a user to add an image or a folder to this field, then i donโ€™t have the path to that object, for security reasons, i can turn the file into a base64 string but i canโ€™t specify the exact path.
what shell i do in this case? any advice on how it can be done?

you could use simple IPFS functionality to upload a file, you can do it now from cloud code too:

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Thanks for that, solves my problem.