Unable to connect to the remote server

We are using it in unity.
The app is live from past 6 month. Currently we are not able to do the wallet login. Below is the debug log.

System.Exception: Unable to connect to the remote server
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
WalletConnectSharp.Unity.Network.NativeWebSocketTransport:HandleError (System.Exception) (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/External/WalletConnect/WalletConnectSharp.Unity/Network/NativeWebSocketTransport.cs:124)
WalletConnectSharp.Unity.Network.NativeWebSocketTransport/<>c__DisplayClass22_0:<_socketOpen>b__1 (string) (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/External/WalletConnect/WalletConnectSharp.Unity/Network/NativeWebSocketTransport.cs:112)
NativeWebSocket.WebSocket/d__27:MoveNext () (at Packages/io.moralis.web3-unity-sdk/Runtime/External/WalletConnect/WalletConnectSharp.Unity/Network/Client/WebSocket.cs:481)
UnityEngine.UnitySynchronizationContext:ExecuteTasks ()

I am getting the same exact issue in the Unity.

I am using the parse migration server, using the Mongodb and Redis. I wonder why. Iโ€™ve left the project 3 month without touching it. Now my client ask me again to update it. But I got this is issue that previously never happened.

Same here, and I am trying demo-unity-moralis-auth-via-playfab

Hereโ€™s the error:

System.Exception: Unable to connect to the remote server
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
WalletConnectSharp.Unity.Network.NativeWebSocketTransport:HandleError (System.Exception) (at Assets/Scripts/3rdParty/WalletConnect/WalletConnectSharp.Unity/Network/NativeWebSocketTransport.cs:124)

The error happens when I click โ€˜Connectโ€™ button.

Hi @alvaris924 @hildiamilo @karansinghsengar

Sorry for the late reply. This issue has happened since the walletconnect depreciated its v1 sdk and our unity sdk is using the walletconnect v1 version.
So you will have to migrate your code to walletconnect v2 sdk.

Hi john. Will moralis unity sdk team updating this issue? Or moralis dont have anymore roadmap to continue the sdk?

Hi Johnversus,

Would you please tell till when moralis unity SDK team will update the package to compatible with wallet connect v2 SDK?

Hi @Anand_D

I recommend trying to update it manually to walletconnect v2, or trying to use a different package to log in and sign the message like the one from metamask

or check the wallet connect packages directly

There might not be an update from our end.

Hi @johnversus thanks for providing the right guide on how to proceed but I have one doubt if we integrate any one of the SDK either Metamask or latest WalletConnectUnity library. Then may be some dependency error will occur?

Could you let me know to resolve the dependency issue?

Can you Please guide me how to update that version or how i need to tackle that exceptions?