Unable to connect to morallis DB

We are using Morallis to sync the events into the database. We have whitelisted our IP address in order to connect with mongodb database. The problem is most of the time connection fails or takes a long time to connect. Please guide us on how we can resolve this issue.

This happens every time?

It happens atleast 2/3 times.

We are working on an API specific for syncs that may help you.

You could use an afterSave hook and make a http request to your server as a possible work around.

Does that happen only recently? Did you try that multiple days or is the first time trying it? How do you connect? Using an interface or programmatically?

I use MongoDB Compass and Robo3T to connect.

You could try to connect directly with a script

Same thing is happening within the code, i tried running same code 2 times almost immediately. One time it worked and another time it didn’t.

in what location is your server located?

I guess region is Bengaluru.

Did you have these issues before too?
Or it is the first time that you try?

We are using sync feature for first time. We do use some other APIs which work fine till date.

I guess that you can not test with a server in another location.

I am in Bengaluru and server is also in Bengaluru.

What is the server url?