The ABI should contain an array of inputs

i take here. I donā€™t quite understand where you said to get it, can you send me a link?

LockAdded (index_topic_1 uint256 id, address token, address owner, uint256 amount, uint256 unlockDate) I tried this too but it doesnā€™t pull data either

the topic should not have the name of the variable, only the type, and also no spaces

still same

is there a space there?

this is the right topic:


but you could also copy directly from bscscan page that 0x694af1cc8727cdd0afbdd53d9b87b69248bd490224e9dd090e788546506e076f

LockAdded(uint256,address,address,uint256,uint256) i deleted it still same

now you have other problems maybe

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The server worked fine for a while, but now itā€™s not receiving the new transfer. Is there a limit on servers? no limit warningsc @cryptokid

it depends on how many transfer/transactions are, there isnā€™t a limit, but if there are 200-300k transactions, a free server may start to have problems

14k but it doesnā€™t work

try this: Moralis Nitro Beta Testing

it should work faster

itā€™s still running too late is there any way to speed it up?
Also "we have temporarily disabled creation of Moralis Nitro servers

need to patch a bug

should be back tomorrow"

today/tomorrow it should be back

Are free servers sleeping?
says he canā€™t sleep in properties but heā€™s not working full time

now, we deleted the instances from beta because they had a bug

Iā€™m talking about main servers, I didnā€™t use test servers. Why are the main servers sometimes working and sometimes not

I donā€™t know what you mean then with main servers

I create a server by logging into my account and making sync settings and running but the server does not pull the transfer instantly. For example, a current transfer takes 3 hours or more.