TestNet BSC - Trust Wallet

Is it possible to add BSC TestNet to TrustWallet for testing?

I need to test several things with Trust Wallet integration in addition to metamask.

I didnā€™t see a way to add BSC testnet to TrustWallet.

It seems that there is no way.

Iā€™m on mainnet anyway.

My problem is when using web3 = await Moralis.enableWeb3({provider, chainId}); //wallet connect
Which is the connection to Wallet Conect - using Trust Wallet.

The function ā€œClaimā€ is executed on the contract and the tokens transferred correctly. However, there is an error in the responseā€¦ It does not return ā€œclaimOKā€ and the code snippet of if(claimOK) {ā€¦} does not execute as it should.

Any idea what happens?

async function claimAirDrop() {

    $("#modal2").modal({backdrop: 'static', keyboard: false});
    user = Moralis.User.current();
    const claim = {  
        contractAddress: smartContractAddr,  
        functionName: "claimAirDrop",  
        abi: smartContractABI,  
        msgValue: "30000000000000",    //30000000000000    400000000000000
        params: {    
            id: getRefZ()
    if(user) {
        let claimOk = false;
        try {
                const providerZ = localStorage.getItem("providerZ");
                if (providerZ == 'wc') {
                    web3 = await Moralis.enableWeb3({provider, chainId}); //wallet conect
                else {
                    web3 = await Moralis.enableWeb3(); // metamask
                if(web3) {
                    claimOk = await Moralis.executeFunction(claim);
        } catch (error) {
            showModal("Error", "error: " + error.code + ". " + error.message)

        if (claimOk) {
            user.set("airdropv1", true);
            console.log("aqui!" + user.attributes.ethAddress);
            showModal("Success", "Congratulations, your transaction was successful. If you have any questions, please contact [email protected]." );
        else {
            showModal("Error", "Unexpected error. Reconnect your wallet and try again." )
    else {
        showModal('Error', 'connect your wallet first.');

I think that youā€™ll have to wait until Moralis.executeFunction works with events

I come from PHP and I still havenā€™t adapted much with the super asynchronous powers of JS lol.
Could you give some code example?

you have an example here:

and it looks like now it should work with latest Moralis SDK