Hey @Yomoo ,
The topic have to be hashed ? If so how did you got the topic ? from bscscan ?
Strange enough It doesn’t seem that it’s passing in beforeConsume
Moralis.Cloud.beforeConsume('EventSyncAuditorRegistered', async (event) => {
const query = new Moralis.Query('Contract');
query.equalTo('chainId', '0x61');
query.equalTo('name', 'Factory');
const [factoryContractInfos] = await query.find();
const newEvent = {
auditor: JSON.stringify(event._auditor),
await factoryContractInfos.save(
test: event,
{ useMasterKey: true },
); // This is because my logs page is not working currently (reported in https://forum.moralis.io/t/logs-are-not-working/1315)
return newEvent;