Support more than one contract_address

is there any way, we can pass more than one token_address in this api?

You can try /{address}/nft that should support more than one token address

I assume you saying /nft/{address}.
But this is giving me all the nfts.
i want details from only ex: 2 contract_addresses.

You will have to make two queries if you want all the token ids from two different contract addresses. (In this case no wallet address will be used)

There are different endpoints for wallets and for contracts.

What exactly do you need?

suppose i have a wallet_address and 2 contract_addresses.
and want to check if wallet_address contains any nfts in that contract_addresses
also if contains, then provide nfts details as well.

Then it should work the endpoint that I pasted first time, that one with /{address}/nft, try it directly in web3api interface in admin panel.

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