Subject: Error when accessing Moralis API with Unity

Dear Moralis support team,

I am encountering an error when attempting to access the Moralis API. Specifically, I am receiving the following error message: “Protocol Error: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error.”

This error occurs when I try to connect my mobile wallet from Unity by scanning the QR code. The error persists even after double-checking my API request and ensuring that it is properly formatted and includes all the required parameters.

Could you please provide assistance with resolving this issue? I would greatly appreciate any guidance or advice you can provide. If you require any additional information or details, please let me know and I will be happy to provide them.

Thank you for your help and support.

Best regards,

the Exact error I am getting is

Protocol Error: HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
UnityEngine.Debug:LogError (object)
MoralisWeb3AuthService/d__7:MoveNext () (at Assets/Scripts/MoralisWeb3AuthService.cs:82)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)

Can you provide more info about what request is made and to what api endpoint and maybe with what parameters?

Yes I am only following this documentation trying to retrieve the native balance from an NFT

I wil say it works from my local environment

what are you using as backend? who is returning that 500 error?

what is the difference compared to your local environment?

I’m using unity that is what is returning the error I follow step by step in the article I deploy from visual studio code using cloud build and when I scan the QR code I get that error

Only difference is unity and google hosting from my local environment but I’m not sure why I’m getting a 500 error following the article


i getting the same error protocol error 500. what you mean unity sdk depreciated??