Speedy nodes are not working

Here there,
i wanted to connect to polygon using moralis speedy nodes. Now i cant find the speedy nodes option on the dashboard and the endpoints are not working anymore. Why is that ? I need my apl´pliucation to work on polygon

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speedy nodes were discontinued yesterday for free plans:

is there any alternative please ? I dont have any money.

you can use a public RPC url too

can you provide a link pls ?

try to search on google, usually you can find a list of public RPC urls

i cant find any that works. Can you please provide some ?

did you search on the official site for polygon/matic?

doesnt work

do you have any idea ?

I don’t know now, it has to be something that works

You can use a node from Chainstack.

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Use chainstack.com

The process is very similar to speedy nodes. You will get a RPC URL to connect to the blockchain that you want to connect with.

They want credit card xD for free version.

You won’t be charged if you don’t go over the free limits. If you don’t have a card, you can look at Infura or Alchemy.

Yea use alchemy, should be completely free to use for all those chains including polygon, no credit card needed

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I’ve tried both Chainstack & Alchemy.
Somehow Chainstack’s Mumbai node is much slower compared to Alchemy’s & Alchemy doesn’t force you to register with your card for free accounts.

we can use alchemy, ankr url, infura, quicknode. These are the services I know till now. Hope it helps you.

doesnt seem to work.
let web3 = new Web3("https://polygon-mainnet.g.alchemy.com/v2/w...");

when i use

(await this.web3Js.eth.getAccounts())[0];

undefinied gets returrned. Why is that ?

(await this.web3Js.eth.getAccounts())[0];

is this function only available at moralis ?