Speedy Nodes are discontinued

Hi, I started getting an error: "Invalid JSON RPC response: “Speedy Nodes are discontinued, please move to API or our partner nodes.”.

I know that Speedy Nodes should have turned off, but what’s the replacement? Should I rewrite my entire code to Moralis API or find another RPC provider?

Yes, using Moralis API or another RPC provider is the solution.
You can find our partner nodes from here https://moralis.io/largenodes

I was using speedy nodes rpc url in hardhat to deploy erc20 contracts. Do I need to pay for a node from Moralis now?

I solved my own problem so I am posting solution.

Use chainstack.com

This is an article explaining how to deploy a smart contract using hardhat and chainstack node. It is very similar to using speedy nodes https://docs.chainstack.com/tutorials/ethereum/asset-tokenization-with-embark#deploy-the-contract