Speedy nodes address change


Iā€™m using speedy nodes websocket to track events on frontend (bsc testnet for now)

What I saw is the id part of the speedy node link changed after a while

what would be the correct way to use the node url on our frontend?

also is this the suggested way of tracking events on frontend or is there a method on moralis sdk to track events on frontend instead? (not past events but live events)


you can sync live events in Moralis database: https://docs.moralis.io/moralis-server/automatic-transaction-sync/smart-contract-events#sync-and-watch-contract-events

Thank you

I know that and actually using it for some other functionality; but is it possible to know when an event is triggered and saved to the database on the frontend? just like a websocket?

what Iā€™m doing is tracking the StartRound event on the frontend and run the necessary functions when I receive that event.

you mean you want to subscribe to the events that happen in your Moralis database?

yes thank you, works great