[SOLVED] Walletconnect authentication is not working with latest version

few days before walletconnect has shut there v1 and migrated to v2
i am following the documentation to authenticate with version 2 but it’s not working

error getting:
"web3-provider.min.js:22 WebSocket connection to ‘wss://g.bridge.walletconnect.org/?env=browser&host=localhost%3A3000&protocol=wc&version=1’ failed: "

here is my code

  async function login() {
    await Moralis.enableWeb3();

    let user = Moralis.User.current();
    const { message } = await Moralis.Cloud.run('requestMessage', {
      address: Moralis.account,
      chain: Moralis.chainId,

      network: 'evm',
    if (!user) {
      user = await Moralis.authenticate({
        provider: wallet_name,
        projectId: '0d0f8b6ad7b84c4fd14a0d7ae139bb9f',
        showQrModal: true,
        // chainId: 1, // OPTIONAL
        // newSession: true, // OPTIONAL
        // qrModalOptions: { themeMode: 'light' }, // OPTIONAL
        signingMessage: message,
        .then(async function (user) {
          user_address = user.get('ethAddress').substring(0, 6);
          const chainId = await Moralis.chainId;
          const accepted_chains = ['0x61', '0x38'];
          if (accepted_chains.includes(chainId)) {
            chain = chainId;
          } else {
            try {
              await Moralis.switchNetwork('0x38');
            } catch {
                'Could not connect to Metamask. Please try switching chains.'
          // Subscribe to onChainChanged events
          const unsubscribe = Moralis.onChainChanged(async (chainId) => {
            if (accepted_chains.includes(chainId)) {
              chain = chainId;
            } else {
              try {
                await Moralis.switchNetwork('0x38');
              } catch {
                  'Could not connect to Metamask. Please try switching chains.'
        .catch(function (error) {

can anyone help me out

Hi @Ayush

Closing this post here. As the issue is solved on discord.

@johnversus sure we can close