[SOLVED] [Unity] Issues when switching from Mono to IL2CPP it throws this error Call to failed <methodName> due to: Error creating ‘Nethereum.JsonRpc.Client.RpcMessages.RpcParametersJsonConverter’

I ended up fixing the issue myself.
The problem was that the selected JsonConverter was still stripping off instead of adding this into the link.xml file.
So, instead I tried adding complete libraries like Json, Nethereum, Moralis, etc. in my link.xml which caused the issue to go away.
like this is file need to be add in assets.

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Just posting the code that you used:

	<assembly fullname="Nethereum.JsonRpc.Client" preserve="all"/>
	<assembly fullname="Nethereum.Unity" preserve="all"/>
	<assembly fullname="Nethereum" preserve="all"/>
	<assembly fullname="MoralisUnity" preserve="all"/>
	<assembly fullname="Newtonsoft" preserve="all"/>
	<assembly fullname="WalletConnectSharp" preserve="all"/>