[SOLVED] Unable to Locate transfer Transaction Id

hello, I have made one transaction and i also received it’s tx hash i.e. 0x8bffc05f8355e1398f49b82c9e54120b07e0c43f4337516ed919f46446b92ace ,but this tx hash has Not been available either on bscscan.com or BscTokenTransfers class , how can i locate this transaction and check status for the same?

maybe somehow the transaction was not sent to the nodes and it was not mined

I can not find it either in bscscan

if the transaction was not sent to the node then how could i received the transaction id of it? I’m calling smart contract’s transfer function using cloud function ,kindly refer the code snippet provided below

            .transfer(receiver_, amount_)
            .then((transferResult) => {
                logger.info(" transaction response : "+JSON.stringify(transferResult));
                var txnid=transferResult.hash;

you have to use a custom RPC url for a node in cloud code

the transaction hash can be computed before being sent to a node, and even if it was sent, it could happen to be lost somewhere (this should happen rarely)

yes i’m using custom RPC Url in cloud code
& if the transaction could be lost then I’ll initiate it again