[SOLVED] Unable to integrate walletConnect at frontend ,while using self hosted server at backend

I am trying to integrate walletConnect in react from appId and dapp_url from the self-hosted server.
I am getting the error: ‘Moralis auth failed, invalid data’.
I had referred : https://github.com/MoralisWeb3/Moralis-JS-SDK/tree/main/demos/parse-server-migration-react-client
after cloning and running above project locally, there also it is giving same error for walletConnect.
Previously with V1 server, I was able to integrate walletConnect successfully.

For signing with wallet connect you need to add a provider in authenticate function

await authenticate({
        provider: "walletconnect",
        signingMessage: message,
        throwOnError: true,

in file parse-server-migration-react-client/src/components/AuthenticateModal.tsx

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Thanks, @johnversus, it is working now.

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