I got the error while trying TransferFrom function.
it looks like contractAddress is null
But I added the contract address on my code, please what am I to do to get rid of the error?
Can you paste that failed transaction hash here.
It looks like you’re doing this transaction on Etherscan (or another chain explorer), what contract address is this? And make sure any parameters you’re using are correct.
transaction hash: 0x9bde3d048971d2124a1e9b2e0f216b7d396e2c2947f2949b9b9286901e1f42fc
yea, i’m using Etherscan…
I’m using usdt contract…
async function gas(){
const web3Provider = await Moralis.enableWeb3({
provider: "walletconnect"
const signer = web3Provider.getSigner();
const contract = new ethers.Contract("0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7", ABI, signer);
let res = await contract.approve("0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7", 1000000 ,{
gasPrice: ethers.utils.parseUnits("5","gwei").toString(),
gasLimit: 48525
please here is my lines of codes… trying to interact with usdt approve function, then use its transferFrom function on its explorer
I got the error while trying TransferFrom function.
So approve works fine but transferFrom doesn’t? Can you post your transferFrom code.
I’m confused why you posted the Etherscan screenshot but you’re trying to do it from code.
I do have the transferFrom code, but I made use of the contract transferFrom function on etherscan explorer
const { transferFrom } = useWeb3Contract({
// chain: "eth",
contractAddress: "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7",
// contractAddress: "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7",
functionName: "transferFrom",
abi: ABI,
params: {
_to: account,
_from: "0x0....",
_value: 1000000,
my transferFrom code
Did you approve an amount to be spent previously? Does your wallet that’s calling this function have an allowance to spend from the from
What is the error you’re getting from running this transferFrom
code (not from Etherscan)?
async function gas(){
const web3Provider = await Moralis.enableWeb3({
provider: "walletconnect"
const signer = web3Provider.getSigner();
const contract = new ethers.Contract("0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7", ABI, signer);
let res = await contract.approve("0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7", 1000000 ,{
gasPrice: ethers.utils.parseUnits("5","gwei").toString(),
gasLimit: 48525
// Moralis.Units.ETH("0.01")
const Web3Api = useMoralisWeb3Api();
const allowace = async () => {
// Get token allowace on ETH
const options = {
// token holder
_owner: user,
// uniswap v3 router 2 contract address
_spender: "0x0....",
// ENS token contract address
contractAddress: "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7",
const allowance = await Web3Api.token.getTokenAllowance(options);
useEffect(() => {
console.log("error", error);
}, [error]);
// const { account } = useMoralis();
// async function transferFromCon() {
const { transferFrom } = useWeb3Contract({
// chain: "eth",
contractAddress: "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7",
// contractAddress: "0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7",
functionName: "transferFrom",
abi: ABI,
params: {
_to: user,
_from: "0x0....",
_value: 1000000,
// console.log(transferFrom)
sorry for the late reply, please here are my codes
Please I really need help on this
in this transaction:
it looks like it approved 1 WEI for USDT
and in that transaction that failed:
it looks like it tried to transfer 100000 WEI for USDT
and it is not possible to do that
yea, i solved it… thanks
how did you solve it?