[SOLVED] "TokenId missing" error in Moralis.transfer()

So I am building a new contract and trying to test the transfer function, but I continually get an error in my console log in:

let result = await Moralis.transfer(options);

This is the console in the browser at the moment:

options in transfer()
1. {type: 'erc1155', receiver: '<receiver_address>', contractAddress: '<contract_address>', tokenId: 0, amount: 2}

  1. amount: 2
  2. contractAddress: '<contract_address'
  3. receiver:  '<receiver_address>'
  4. tokenId: 0
  5. type: "erc1155"
  6. [[Prototype]]: Object

Uncaught (in promise) ['tokenId is required'] transfer @ transfer.js:33

The tokenId is typed as in the docs and tutorial on YT, and itā€™s being logged correctly from the IDE in the frontend. What is the issue here? Does 0 not function as a tokenId? Filip used tokenId = 1 in the tutorial so he didnā€™t hit this wall.

You can use ā€œ0ā€ instead of 0 and it should work

Well the ID should be a number so they can be incremented, not a string. I donā€™t want to go make a new contract, new test servers, burn all my tokens, reconnect everything, make new tokens, etcā€¦ Thatā€™s an hour wasted because the system cant take a number 0 but would take a string ā€œ0ā€? Why did Filip use 0 as one of the NFT token idā€™s in the tutorial if it doesnt actually work to transfer them later? It certainly is functioning to SHOW them and burn them after, but not transferring.

Iā€™m just curious as to whether or not the issue truly is that the Moralis code sees this 0 as an ā€˜unidentifiedā€™ value of some sort (I say that for lack of knowing the correct term here). I also donā€™t believe that not solving this problem and saying to use a string where a number should go is a good solution. This seems hacky and isnt what I want.

dangit i wanted to edit my post and it deletedā€¦
I wanted to say that I need a number and I donā€™t want to remake all my contract and NFTs and servers blah blah blahā€¦ just because the transfer function cannot (but should) handle an id=0 as a number and not a string. I would like to increment numbers and not be sending strings ( which could lead to errors later if strings are accepted ). This isnt a solution

I think that you only need to send that parameter as a sting, only for 0 and it would work fine without any change in your smart contract. I think that it is a problem in that function for parameters that are null or 0. Are you also using latest version of Moralis SDK?

But the tokenId is a number, so wonā€™t sending a string 0 to the Moralis API cause an error if itā€™s expecting a number?
SDK: I have no idea about what version Iā€™m using, I just followed Filipā€™s YT tutorial videoā€¦

It doesnā€™t matter at all, there is no difference between you provide number or string, in the end, they both will become a string type

Okay :slight_smile: I will try it

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I guess we have a fix for this already, but itā€™s not merged to the production :sweat_smile:

Sure, let me know how does it work for you

Setting the incoming tokenId as such:

if (tokenId === 0) {
tokenId = tokenId.toString();

Works. I think having that built into the codebase OR telling the codebase that in this specific parameter, 0 is a value not a lack of value, that would be great. Idk which route you guys took :slight_smile:

Thank you!